XIII. Love Isn't Greed

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*short but sweet, dont kill me for this update, thanks to everyone who is reading. Y'all are the best <3*

*a couple months later*

The dressing room door slammed closed. I turned around from where I was steaming Jake's first suit option for the night.
"Clara you almost gave me a heart attack, what the hell?" I asked taking in her wide eyes and excited bouncing.
"Ok but, I just had a conversation with Jimmy Fallon....THE JIMMY FALLON!?" She fake fainted onto the dressing room counter. I couldn't help but laugh at her theatrics.
"Oh! That's amazing!! What was he like?"
"Very kind, and while we only said like three words to each other, it was still WILD."
When working gigs its easy to meet some pretty legendary people, though most of the time the 'talent' is kept away from the locals/tend to have their own teams. It never gets old meeting people you've only seen being incredibly successful in bands/tv/broadway/etc in real life. What's become even weirder is being invited into that circle because you're dating a literal rockstar.
"I don't think this job could ever get old." She said sighing as she took Josh's jumpsuit to his dressing room and to make sure the rhinestones were secure. I nodded as I heard the door close. Finally, alone again with my thoughts, though my concentration was broken occasionally with trying not to burn my hand steaming lapels.
The dressing room door slammed closed again, I sighed and rolled my eyes as I turned around, thinking it was just Clara again.
"Oh, those eyes are too pretty to look that annoyed" His raspy voice floated to my ears, my cheeks burned bright red as I realized Jake was standing in the doorway. His necklaces chiming slightly as they settled, he was wearing a navy button up (well, it was only buttoned by two buttons so... loosely known as a button up), tucked into his light green skinny jeans, a pair of brown loafers completed the look. It was very causal Oliver Reed, except his hair was pushed back by the sunglasses.
"Annoyed? Who am I Sammy?" I said putting the steamer back as he crossed the room to join me. His arm pulling me in close, I could smell a light touch of whiskey and vanilla.  A scent that had entranced me from day one.
"Oh hush you." He said, smiling that crooked smile before leaning into kiss me. Kissing him felt like it lasted forever yet not long enough. I knew I was technically at work, but it was so hard to resist giving into the desire.
"How's work going babe?" He asked, pulling away from our kiss.
"It's going, have you decided what suit you want to wear?" I gestured to the three options I had pulled for him. A deep teal to offset Josh's dark mauve, a black one with some embroidery playing on the medieval illustration aesthetic, and one that was similar to the broken bells look with mosaic cut outs. Fallon was a big deal for them, on the way here the guys endlessly chattered on the bus about how crazy it is that they watched him as kids in old SNL re-runs and now they get to meet him. Plus getting the opportunity to give their mom's a once in a life time experience too. It was so sweet I could barely handle it.
"Well, the guys and I have discussed with Paige about releasing the Broken Bells music video after tonight's performance." He winked as my jaw dropped.
"So I think the stained glass one would be appropriate." He smiled bringing me closer once again.
"It's really happening." I said, searching his face for any hint of teasing.
"It's really happening my Rose" He kissed the top of my nose as I internally freaked out. My first big project was finally being released and I didn't know how to process all of the emotions.
"It's been so long! What made tonight the decision?" I asked.
"Well, we are about to announce a second European tour, so we need something to kind of bring fans in again." He kissed my cheek and moved to sit on the couch. My brain went into overdrive as I continued steaming to focus. My contract ends on their last American date, I had completely forgotten about their European tour, let alone a second leg. I turned back to the steamer in my hand trying to focus on the task at hand. As if I hadn't just realized that as soon as I had a couple months more with him, I'd have even longer to endure without him.
I took a deep breath, knowing I was being dramatic. I've had months and will have months with him before the big departure. So, there's no reason to be upset, I just need to continue like nothing's wrong. I took a deep breath.
"Sorry for this being the first time you're hearing about it." His raspy voice even lower as he practically whispered from this corner on the couch. Sensing, I assume, me disassociating while steaming.
I set the hose back it's perch and turned towards him. "Truly it's ok, I mean I still haven't really processed y'all leaving for the European tour. But, its cool as hell and you get to add more dates to that! Truly, I am really happy for y'all." I said putting both my hands on his knees. Looking deep into his amber eyes. A smile was playing at his lips as he swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing as his eyes focused on mine.
"Jake, it really is ok. It's not like I didn't know what I was signing on for as a successful guitarists' girlfriend."
His eyes crinkled that stupid cute crinkle he gets when he smiles. I leaned forward kissing him, his lips met mine as he pulled me down to sitting on the couch with him.
"If distance is the worst thing I have to deal with in this relationship, then DAAMN, I lucked out." I admitted, smiling up at him.
"How on earth did the universe give me the most perfect partner..." He started but was interrupted by my snort laughing.
"No one is perfect, that's why we do this. Reaching perfection is boring." I smiled as he pulled me in closer. My head resting on his chest as we cuddled on the couch.
Silence together was something I had to get used to, most of the time someone was around, whether a brother or Danny, to make commentary or some kind of mischief. So, these silent moments together were few and far between.
Once when the tour bus was emptying it's grey water, we got to take in this scenic overlook together. An entire turquoise lake stretched before us, from left to right, filling our entire eyesight. Broken up by small islands and mountains all around, it was glorious. We just took in the beauty together, and really truly just admired Mother Nature in her most pure form. I think about that day occasionally and smile, we got to go into the small town down below the scenic overlook. They had this "World Famous Raspberry Shake" advertised throughout the town along with raspberry statues. So of course we tried it, and honestly.... It just tasted like vanilla with a hint of raspberry. But with Jake, a regular raspberry shake transformed into the taste of the sun shining down on his lashes as we waited in line. The tune he hummed while we waited, one I recognized three shows later in one of his guitar solos. The feeling of his hand sliding from my shoulder to my waist as he pulled me against him, completely intoxicating.
I think of the wonderful opportunity I've been given and how lucky I've been so far, hoping that their record company realizes the importance of a wardrobe person and hires me for the overseas gigs, but I know contracting is hard. Especially when you're entangled with one of the band members.
Whatever happened, I think we'd be ok...

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