V. On A Course For Interstellar Shores

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Danny was the first out of the dressing rooms, his bright smile made me smile as he carried his hangers full of clothes.
"I don't know how you do this all day, I'd get reallly tired of hanging things up." He said putting the clothes on the rack.
"Honestly it's karmaic payback for making my mom hang up the clothes I'd try on when I was younger, I'd always turn them inside out and leave them everyehwhere..." I said smiling at the memory as he came in for a goodbye hug.
"See you on set!" He said as he turned to leave, giving Clara a hug as well. Danny was the epitome of sunshine in a bottle, kind, considerate, and just amazing overall. Now, to the most difficult of the day, Jake. Not because his clothes were difficult, but because his reaction was so hard to gauge. He was a wild card if ever I met one. I was just crossing my fingers hoping he'd like it.

Clara had left to go to lunch, since the fittings were going ok and we didnt have any quick changes that needed to be planned. It was kind of nice switching from live performances to video. Because normally more than one 30 sec change would occur and we'd need change choreo and quick rigging. But since this was the boys own video shoot they only required strict scheduling. Laughable for a group of chronically late people (except Danny).

I went across the room to grab my phone and turn off the music. A welcome distraction in the first two fittings, I couldn't handle more noise in the room for this fitting (my brain had that covered). I perched on one of the chairs as I waited, making note of the time so I wouldn't go over and into Josh's fitting. His actually required some adjustment because they were jumpsuits and I wanted to have enough time before the company break to solve those problems.

"Why'd the music stop? I'm a fan of Wilson Pickett" Jake said as he opened the door and stepped into the mirrored corner.
"Mustang Sally is good! But it was draining my battery." I said lying through my teeth.
"Fair" he said turning to the mirrors and checking himself out. He had only buttoned two of the buttons on the light grey silk button up shirt, his hair gracefully cascading around his shoulders, his pants fit just right, it was absurd how well these supposedly boring grey clothes suited him.

I stepped forward, pushing all unprofessional thoughts from my brain. This was my shot at making it, and I wasn't about to let a cute guy interfere with my dream.

"These look great, how do you feel?" I asked. He turned to face me instead of the mirror, giving me slight goosebumps.
"Good, it's interesting because when we had this idea it was a little hard to visualize but these definitely hit the mark." His brown eyes steadily holding my grey ones as his words brought a genuine smile to my lips.
"That's good to hear, it's definitely an easy process taking y'all's vision and transferring it to reality." I said making sure all the hems hit in the right place.
"Ok! Well if you feel good, then I think it's good... Let's move onto your next look." I said as I turned towards the rack, pushing his second look together so I could grab all the hangers at once. It was only a few more than his current look.
He was standing in the perfect spot because as I turned around from the hangers he was there to catch the look in his arms. As I draped the clothes across is outstretched arms, I had to remind myself he needed instructions.
"Here's your second look, pretty self explanatory,a geometric cut out dress shirt, with a glass window patterned jacket that also had diamond fringe and a pair of silver sparkle jeans. It was a lot but hopefully he could be convinced. His eyebrow raised when I deposited the look into his arms.
"And you're good to leave shoes off, we will try on shoes once you're out and we are sure this is the ensemble you want." I said hedging my bets with a bit of certainty.
"As you wish" he said with a bow. I couldnt' help the blush rising into my cheeks. This was bad. Really bad.

GET A GRIP    I mentally yelled to myself. Now is not the time to have a fan girl moment. If anything Josh would appreciate it more. I smiled to myself, knowing I could make it through. I didn't even know if he had a girlfriend or not, or if he was even interested in me, so there was no point in wasting time. I shook my head as I looked at my phone. Taking a moment to re-center myself.

"Ok, but this jacket is just fucking cool" he said swinging the door open. The jacket was patch-worked together with sheer and opaque materials. Giving a true mosaic window experience.

"Thank you! It took a lot of time to get the proportions and work out the design just right, but I'm very happy with how this one turned out." I said as I followed him to the mirror.
"It's interesting, because we had always thought of a stained glass window, and the fact that you were able to bring it to life. It's just great." He said popping his lapels and truly taking in the whole suit. I had to stop myself from passing out (only joking) but it was amazing to hear such positive feedback from the member I thought would be the most reserved.
"The fit looks great, no sleeve or pant hems needed. You think you can play ok in this?" I said knowing most of the video would be mimed but really hoping he'd take this look on the road.

"Oh definitely, I've played in a lot more complicated looks. But this is just perfect." He smirked in the mirror catching my eye as I looked up at the right moment. I hoped he didn't see the blush that ran rampant across my cheeks.

"Awesome, so everything works, lets try the hat." I clasped my hands together, turning towards the kitchenette table. I grabbed the hat as Jake was miming playing the guitar, getting really into it and leaning back as if he were actually delivering a solo in the corner mirror.

"This will work just fine" he said in a faux British accent that made me giggle a bit as I put the hat on.
"I'm glad your grace approves"  I said with a curtesy. His eyes sparkling with intrigue as he quirked an eyebrow.
"Actually its sir, but I'll accept your grace" his lips curled in a smirk as he winked at me. "So, the hat works, what have you got for shoes?" He asked.
"Shoes, right..." I turned to the rack because the shoes that were in boxes under the clothes. I had a couple options because of sizing and beading. There were one pair of Chelsea boots that were a velvet burgundy that matched perfectly with the suit I opted for first.

"Here you go, there's a chair back here." I said handing him the box and maneuvering a chair for him to sit in to put on the shoes. They weren't overly fancy which complimented his current look well because there was so much going on.

"These fit great" he said standing up, and pretending to step on pedals, as he would be doing in the video.
"Great! Ugh, I love when people walk into their costumes" I said clapping my hands together and bringing them to my forehead. A huge weight had lifted from my shoulders. He was happy, comfy, and excited. Literally the least I could have hoped for was everything fitting, so I was on cloud 9!

"Do people not normally?" He asked handing me the hat as he toed the shoes off.
"It depends. In theatre it's hard because you could be working off of measurements that are 10 plus years old. So it helps y'all are available and willing to try things on more than once."

"Yeah, I think Josh would have a melt down if we didn't, while I'm a perfectionist.. he takes it to a whole other level." He said shaking his head slightly, his bangs slightly falling into his face. His smile showed warmth and love for his twin but deep understanding of Josh's method.

"That's good to know, since he's the next fitting." I said trying to break some of the tension with light heartedness.

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