X. To be Wholly Free

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AN: did this take forever because I got nervous about writing the rules of pool wrong.... Yes. Lol also summer gigs are hard time wise so I hope you enjoy <3 as always thank you for reading and I hope to update more oft now that I'm back to a regular schedule :)

"We should go back inside." I said, hating myself for interrupting a moment I wished would last forever.


His hand moved from caressing my cheek to lightly holding my chin. Then his warmth was gone.
"Sounds like a plan, though I next round you're on my team, no take backs!" He said turning to open the door and ushering me in with one smooth motion.
I stepped through, the warmth of the bar giving feeling back into my toes, and giving an excuse for my very bright red cheeks. I didn't have the capacity in the moment to really understand what had just happened. It made no sense, especially since I didn't even know what that moment even was!? Did I read into it?? Was I going crazy?!

But I decided to put it out of my mind and get on with the night. Hoping we'd not have a second alone the rest of the shoot and knowing full well that was a foolish thought.

"Jake! Finally!! We have one more shot on this round, another round of shots! And then it's us against the world!" Sam said grabbing Jake's neck and bringing him into the group further.

"Speaking of, I think next round should be Rose and I, and you and Clara!" Jake said raising a beer he had acquired in the short time we had been inside.
"Perfect! Fresh meat!" Danny said, clearly ready to be done racking for the night, since his partner (Sam) was apt to disappear at opportune times.
"That sounds like a plan!" Clara seconded, raising her drink in the air. She had been talking on and off with Josh as he flitted in and out being the social butterfly he was.
I desperately needed to talk to Clara to at least get a second point of view, but after Sam's announcement Danny decided I was good company.
"Enjoying the night so far?" He asked his curls bouncing along with whatever song was playing in the bar.
"Totally, I needed some fresh air for a moment but now I'm completely game ready!" Noticing as he took a long swig of his beer that I was sans drink. Though it was probably for the best if Sam was intent on us taking shots after his play.
"We should get some water and shots for everyone before Sam orders something ridiculous." Danny said and I nodded along, following him to the bar.
"Do y'all have a preference?" The bartender asked.
"Could we get a round of waters as well as some tequila shots. I think we have 8 in our party." He said turning and smiling at me as I nodded.
"Can you bring it to pool table one and put it on my tab?" Danny had to be the most responsible member out of the bunch, even when having a good time he kept the welfare of the group in mind.
"You got it!" The bartender said grabbing glasses to start our order. Danny turned away from the bar and rested on his elbows looking completely at home in the tiny crowded bar.
"Wanna hang here for a sec? I know around the tables can be intense." Danny patted the barstool next to him.
"Totally!" I said. Hoping I could get it together before seeing Jake again....In close proximity...remembering how his hand felt against my cheek...
"So, I really enjoy the direction you're taking us in terms of clothes!" Danny said nudging me with his elbow, bringing me back to the present.
"Oh thank you, it's aways hard when you have an established style to expound without adding in too much fluff."
"Exactly! I think that's why everyone is so on board with your ideas. Because, you took our style and what we envisioned and then gave us even more, in a good way."
"Oh stop!" I said "You're going to make me blush!" I playfully hit his shoulder.
"No I'm serious Rosemary. I think we could really see this turning into a long partnership" he said genuinely.
I couldn't help it anymore. I hugged him, tears starting to form in my eyes.
"Thank you Danny. It really means a lot." I wiped a couple of tears that escaped away. Danny's eyes got wide with concern.
"Oh shit! Rosemary I didn't mean to make you cry!"
"No it's a good cry. An 'I finally made it' type of cry. Thank you for being so kind" I said, we were still embraced when we watched the bartender start towards our table, a tray of shots on their shoulder.
"Let's celebrate!" Danny said, as he put a hand out to lead me through the crowd.
"Let's!" I said taking his hand and weaving our way through the crowd.

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