Chapter 5 -The Libary-

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In the middle of the great Shi Wong desert in the Earth kingdom, a lone figure wanders towards a tower in the distance. The figure wears a worn cloak that goes over their head and drapes over their shoulders; they wear a piece of worn cloth as a mask over their face to block out the sand.

As she gets to the tower she takes off her mask and the clock and sets them on the sand, after she's done this a knowledge seeker comes up behind her with a scroll in their mouth. It nozzles its face into her leg. Then they run up the tower and through the window at the top.

Tera gives a little chuckle and jumps up off the ground and underneath her feet peces of the wall come out for her to stand on, she's scaling the tower.

When she gets to the top, she climbs through the window and jumps down to the floor. She lands, a big shadow flies overhead, it's the silhouette of a giant owl. "Hello, Old friend, it has certainly been a long time." She says to the old owl spirit. "That it has Ancient One, that it has. Over ten-thousand years if memory serves me right". "You are creact." "I'm sure this is not a social visit" Wang Shi Tong asks, "No it's not, Later today some people are coming if they are hurt in any way.. Well you don't want to know what happens".

Now at this Wang Shi Tong is a little scared, "I assure you that no harm will come to them, Ancient One", He says this to ease the Tera's wrath. "Now as you know they will be coming to find something to help them in the war, you will help them without them knowing, is that clear?" She gives him a slightly menacing glare.

"Yes, Ancient One" Wan Shi Tong gives a slight nod, "You can give them a bit of a scare if you want but don't hurt them" and flies off to await the arrivals. Tera went on to wander the library in search of a good place to do some drawing.

Hours later she is almost finished with the drawing. It is a drawing of all her spouse's she actually cares about. She hears the sound of a rope being dropped and the sound of voice's.

Katara, Sokka, Aang, and Professor Zei are scaling down the rope into the library. Momo flies down ahead of them. The library's ceiling has an exquisite marbling of owl's. "Oh, it's breathtaking!" Zei says this as he, Aang, and Sokka climb down the rope the owl archways above them. "The spirit spared no expense in designing this place." He points to the archways. "Look at those beautiful buttresses!".

Aang and Sokka giggle at the word 'Buttresses'. Zei asks the duo, "What's funny?" Aang replies "Nothing. We just like architecture." Zei smiles, "As do I." They slide off the rope onto a bridge and Momo lands on Aang's shoulder. "My word!" Zei examines an owl mosaic above two pillars. "The exquisite mosaic handiwork of this tile-rendered avian symbol..." Sokka, Katara, and Aang look at Zei quizzically. "Eh, nice owl." They hear rustling noises.

Sokka and Katara run behind a pillar. Aang grabs Zei and they hide behind another pillar. Wan Shi Tong, an owl spirit, walks over the bridge and examines the rope. Aang cranes his head around the pillar.

Wan Shi Tong turns his head around. "I know you're back there." Aang gasps and hides again. Zei smiles and walks from behind the pillar and up to Wan Shi Tong. "Hello, I'm Professor Zei, head of anthropology at Ba Sing Se University." "You should leave the way you came." Wan Shi Tong looks to the side. "Unless you want to become a stuffed head of anthropology." There are three stuffed animal heads on a pillar. Zei, moans as and clutches his neck.

Wan Shi Tong shivers as he feels the presence of Tera and her power.

Katara, Sokka, and Aang walk out from behind their pillars and up to Wan Shi Tong. And from the look on Aang's face it looked like he felt it too. Sokka asks "Are you the spirit who brought this library to the physical world?" "Indeed, I am Wan Shi Tong, 'He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things.' And you are obviously humans, which, by the way, are no longer permitted in my study." He feels Tera's power, he shutters. "Except you of course!" He gives a small laugh.

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