It had to have been a millennia before Sara had left Earth-199999.
She had stayed until everyone she knew had long passed, the last to move on to the afterlife, was Loki. Even though she is well aware of the concept of death. Not even she, The crea...
The group had travelled the day before to Ozai's home on Ember Island. The group are scattered around the courtyard where Aang and Zuko were practising their firebending using synchronised fire blasts.They create sweeping arcs of fire that dissipate into the ground. They each raise an arm and leg, sending forth streams of fire, before leaning forward and sending forth another stream of fire. Aang and Zuko as they stand upright, assuming a final fighting stance before closing their eyes, relaxing their postures, and taking a deep breath. Toph and Katara are sitting on steps nearby. And Tera is lying on her back moving a small rock around in the air, which Momo was chasing around the courtyard. Being mindful to avoid the fire. Zuko and Aang bow to one another, and the latter stretches his arms and walks away.
"Doesn't it seem kind of weird that we're hiding from the Fire Lord in his own house?" "I told you," Zuko sits on a dry fountain and wipes his head with a cloth. "My father hasn't come here since our family was actually happy. And that was a long time ago. It's the last place anyone would think to look for us."
Sokka and Suki run up to the group with an excited look on their faces, Sokka holds a rolled-up piece of paper in his hand. "You guys are not gonna believe this! There's a play about us." Suki gives a little more context to the situation. "We were just in town and we found this poster!" Sokka shows the poster for the play to the team. It depicts Katara, Aang, and Sokka with Zuko's scarred face in the background.
Katara looks shocked at this. "What? How is that possible?" Sokka clears his throat, "Listen to this..." he turns the poster toward himself. "The Boy in the Iceberg is a new production from acclaimed playwright Pu-on Tim, who scoured the globe gathering information on the Avatar, from the icy South Pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. His sources include singing nomads, pirates, prisoners of war, and a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage." Suki continued, "Brought to you by the critically acclaimed Ember Island Players".
"Uuuuuhhhhhhhh!" Tera growns in anoyness. Everyone turns to face her, the small stone drops to the ground and Momo quickly pounces on it. Making sure it didn't go anywhere. "I always hated those stupid plays". Zuko looks at her in a slight anger, recalling a memory from his childhood. "Then why did you take us to see them? They butchered Love Amongst the Dragons every year!".
Tera lifts her head to look at him, "I can neither confirm or deny that it was just to annoy Azula. And it's sad to say that you were a price I was willing to pay, to annoy your sister".
Katara turns back to Sokka, "Sokka, do you really think it's a good idea for us to attend a play about ourselves?". Sokka tries to persuade the group. "Come on, a day at the theatre? This is the kind of wacky time-wasting nonsense I've been missing!" He holds up the poster anxiously and smiles sheepishly; Katara looks away, appears nonplussed.
Tera chimes in again, "Oh!" lowering her head to the ground once again, "I'm not going". None of the group could come to argue with her.
Later that night as the group walked home they started to talk, having been silent almost the whole night after they saw in the play how Tera lost her arm. Toph asks almost in a whisper, "Do you think that's actually what happened." Zuko pauses, "I don't know..." Aang starts to run off towards their commandeered home, he shouts, "Well let's go find out!". The group ran after him.
When they reach the house they see Tera moving a rock through the air, much like she had done hours earlier, with Momo running around after it.
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The rock drops to the floor and she turns to greet the group, "How was the-" She was cut off by Zuko. A look of determination creeps onto his face, "Aunt Ter i'm going to put this as blunt as possible, but how did you lose your arm?".
The look of happiness falls off of Tera's face, a frown taking its place. "Now why are you asking a silly question like that?" Aang continues for Zuko "We saw it in the play and we wanted to know if it was true." She exhaled the air from her iron like lungs, knowing full well that there is no getting out of this situation without telling them the truth.
"Fine... I will only tell you guys as long as you promise not to interrupt me" They agree to her terms.
"It happened years ago, Zuko was only twelve at the time. And I was forty-five. I was so angry at Ursa for how she ignored Zuko and downplayed every achievement he ever got. But what truly pushed me over the edge was when she found out that Lu Ten had been killed, she came to me and laughed straight in my face. Not having a shred of dignity to at least let me morn before she laughed at me". Even though Sokka promised her not to interrupt, he did.
"Who's Lu Ten?", "My son" Everyone looks down hearing that.
"Something inside me snapped and I lashed out at her, the guards had shown up not even a second later. Not even making an attempt to stop me as I buried her underneath part of the palace, crushing her. Killing her instantly." Everyone looked at her in shock, even though they had a vague idea of what had happened.
She laughs, finding it funny. "And of course I was punished, I had just killed one of the royal family. And as penance they took my arm and banished me. Iroh not even knowing what happened to me. He probably thought I abandoned him".
This brought everyone to tears. They all rush in giving Tera a large hug, shocking her in the process. But her heart soon melted and she returned the embrace with gratitude.
They all fell asleep just like that, Appa wrapping around them keeping them warm during the night.