Chapter 13

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"Run Boy Run"

Percy was getting impatient

Don't get her wrong, she wants to help Five with... whatever the heck he's trying to accomplish, but, with her ADHD, her patience doesn't have the highest of levels.

The doctor from earlier was looking through a dozen of files, Five looked pretty restless while Klaus just made himself comfortable on the man's desk, waiting for him to find the right folder.

Percy, on the other hand, got bored and started looking at the street below, her eyebrows furrowed when she found her cousin sitting on a bench with another dude. Who the heck was Nico talking to?

"Oh, that's strange" Percy looked back at the extremely uncomfortable doctor who Klaus hadn't taken his eyes off.

"What?" Five almost jumped over the desk and ripped the file off the doctor's hands.

The doctor looked between the three and cleared his throat "Uh, the eye." He read the file while furrowing his eyebrows "It hasn't been purchased by a client yet" Klaus jumped down the doctor's desk.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Well, uh, our logs say that the eye with that serial number..." He trailed off while he reread the file, with Klaus right behind him, invading his personal space in the process, making the doctor stutter a little. Percy snickered. "This can't be right. It hasn't been manufactured yet. Where did you get that eye?"

Percy arched an eyebrow while looking at Five, she asked him that same question with her eyes when Five made brief eye contact with her before he looked back at the doctor and sighed in annoyance. The walked away.

When they were outside the building, Percy saw Nico was still there but the mystery man was nowhere in sight. Sparing a glance to the brothers, she nodded her head and started to make her way to Nico but stopped on her tracks when she couldn't see him anymore. She groaned, really tired of his and Frank's games already. She turned back to the conversation going on between her companions.

"Well, this is not good"

"We were pretty good, though, right? Yeah. 'What about my consent, bitch?'" Percy could see that Klaus was pretty proud of himself and his idea, even though the three were still bleeding.

"Klaus, it doesn't matter"

"Wait, why doesn't it matter anymore? Are you finally going to tell us what's the big deal with this... crystal eyeball or whatever?" Percy butt in. She was really annoyed and tired already with everything that's been going on in the past couple of days. This is what happens when you try to take a break.

Five narrowed his eyes at both of them, really close to glaring while he explained "There is someone out there who's going to lose an eye in the next seven days."

"Uhuh. And? Your point?"

"They're gonna, as far as I know, bring about the end of life on this earth as we know it" he stated before walking away from the extremely confused adults. Klaus looked at his brother over his shoulder before turning around completely.

"Yeah, can I get that 20 bucks, like, now, or what?" Percy hit Klaus' chest with the back of her hand, scoffed, rolled her eyes and walked away from the two, in that order. She just wanted to go home and sleep on her bed, preferably without nightmares.

She scanned the people on the street around her before her eyes caught sight of someone on the other side of the road. Her eyes widened and started to fill with tears while her eyebrow furrowed causing the skin between them to wrinkle. She was so confused. Has she gone insane already?

She looked at the brothers briefly before back at the man in front of her. She looked at both sides of the road before walking through it. When the man saw she was coming his way he started walking too. Percy was really close to running just so she wouldn't lose sight of his leather-jacketed back side.

She saw him go into a nearby café and she rushed her step, catching her breath when she found him sitting on a table at the window. She took a well needed deep breath and approached his table.

He looked up when he heard her steps, showing those familiar brown eyes, and smiled. Percy couldn't help but smile too, with tears that are unable to fall down from her eyes.

"Hey, Sia"

She hadn't hear that nickname in years


Because there was just one person that called her that and he died so many years ago

The name rolled through her mouth without thinking


He smiled more 


I asked for forgiveness beforehand for any mistake you can find 

it's been a while, hasn't it?

Oh, and happy holidays 

Haven't I done enough?  (TUA and PJO/HOO crossover)Where stories live. Discover now