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"If the music is too loud- then you're too old." That's what Emerson's father used to say. The phrase echoed in her mind as she stared blankly around her, the dull ringing in her ears starting to make vivid flashes appear behind her eyes. He played the drums in his high school band, and never let that go. He used to tell her he was the star of the show.

She'd asked him once, did he ever find a girl that he thought was the one for him? The one that he knew would change his world forever.. well, his answer was pretty typical of him.

Mr. Evergreen was a very honest man. At least, that's what he kept telling her. He also said that out of all the girls he'd dated, he could only remember one.

He stole that line straight out of Transformers: Age of Extinction. The nerve of that guy..

Emerson and her family were all pretty big geeks. Her sister loved Marvel- didn't they all, her dad loved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and her mom? Transformers.

It's what fed her into such a fandom. Her entire childhood was based on giant metal robots, talking to cars to see if they would talk back, and squealing whenever she saw Bumblebee drive past on the highway- like he was protecting her somehow. Like she'd be safe from anything as long as they were around to help her.

Now that she was in the world of her childhood- the one she wished was real for years- she had no idea what to do. Nothing was laid out on a plate for them, it was just a bunch of instinct. Running around based on the knowledge that you obtained from a previous life.

She looked around at the brick walls surrounding her, blue sky above and concrete below. An alleyway in the middle of nowhere, at least they gave them the right location to expect.

Mikayla was rummaging around in her bag, frantically looking for something she had no idea about. The girl looked upwards at the clouds and began to hum out of pure boredom.

There was a pause as she continued her song, the brunette below her seeming to find whatever it was she was looking for. She stood up with a huff as she began to attach something to her ankle.

"The G1 theme, right?" Emerson was unaware it was directed at her until she realized that she was the only one that the girl could be talking to. Her absentminded tune stopped immediately as she realized the girl had been listening.

"Uhh yeah." She said, "I grew up watching it, thought it might be the right time." E narrowed her eyes at what looked to be a small purple pendant that she'd tied to her ankle. "What's that? If you don't mind me asking."

Mikayla looked up at her, green eyes tightening before pursing her lips. She sighed before shaking her head. "It's nothing. Just something I want to keep around."

E decided that the anklet was a touchy subject, making a mental note not to bring it up again. The blonde averted her eyes, finding the ant that had been carrying a small crumb across the pavement suddenly very entertaining.

The teen, however, didn't seem to care about the awkward silence as she was soon thrown a black object. Emerson didn't even have time to blink as she fumbled with it, finally finding purchase as she pressed it against her chest.

"What's this?" She held it out, blinking a few times as she tried to figure the strange thing out. Suddenly her eyes widened, and she took in a sharp breath. E recognized this, the fray edges of the bill, the insignia on the front..

"How did you.." Her eyes widened as a grin began to form on her features, grabbing the object tightly as if it'd disappear. A similar smile formed on the brunette's face as she leaned against the brick wall.

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