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"This is a terrible idea." Emerson started as she followed along behind her brunette companion. "I get that it's the only idea we have, but I'm just now realizing that it's a terrible idea."

There was a scoff from behind her. "You don't say?"

She turned to Morgan with a questioning brow. "That was a rhetorical statement, you didn't need to agree with me because the fact that you agreed with me was already implied."

"Girls, girls-" Mikayla called from the top of the line, stopping to turn on her heel. "Stop bickering and come act like we're tourists."

Huffing annoyedly, Em quickly paced herself with the two, randomly pointing at a bird every few steps to make it seem like they weren't here to infiltrate a military base. Maybe that just made them more suspicious.

In all honesty, Em was glad that Morgan had opened up to them. After dropping Sam off at his Aunt's- who knew the kid had an aunt- and telling him to stay hidden until everything was figured out, they drove through the night to reach the ever-famous Hoover Dam.

Since neither Mikayla or Emerson could sleep in motion, they stayed awake, watching the roads and making small-talk with the bots.

Hoover Dam wasn't particularly crowded at that time on a Monday morning, but it was still flooded with older ladies with cameras & young men wearing clean suits. The latter being there for professional photos of sorts. Maybe it was a fraternity..

The three stood out- especially being the only teens there, when most were supposed to be at school- waiting out the days until summer break. Given that it was the end of May, she supposed that it made sense for only a few stray eyes on them.

Emerson looked cautiously around, looking for any signs of military uniforms or secret agents.

A sudden breeze blew past them, and one of the older ladies' hats blew straight off & into the dam. She cried out in alarm, but all they could do was watch as it slowly made its way to the bottom. Emerson swallowed deeply as she looked over the edge- a very steep drop indeed.

Tearing her eyes from the railing, she looked back up to one of the towers, noting an extremely familiar suited man walking at a rapid pace to a group only a little bit away.

Blinking, she tapped the two on their arms. Their attention now directed at her, she nodded to the group of soldiers that stood only a few meters away.

Mikayla blinked, "Huh. I guess camo really does help you blend in."

Rolling her eyes, the blonde sighed. "Let's just get this over with. The anxiety is practically eating me alive."

The two agreed silently, before walking swiftly over to join the group. However stealthily they could.. which wasn't really any at all. They crossed the bridge, keeping an eye out for security that would somehow find them out of place- but seriously, how much more out of place could they get? She looked down as she finnicked with her hands.

Emerson could feel her insides churning with nerves. She honestly felt like she would throw up. Not only were they not supposed to be there, but they could be taken away in an instant to be experimented on.

And she hated needles with a burning passion.

What if they found out that the girl was from another world? What if their plan failed? Was there an easy route out of this? No, not really- mostly just a brute force that would burst in at the moment of their distress.

It was a 'just in case' button. Jazz had told her to call him (how he got his comm on speed dial was unknown to her, but she wasn't going to start complaining there). Actually, now that she got to know him a little bit better, she realized that his personality was much like how he acted in the G1 continuity.

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