Beach Weekend, Part One

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"I can't believe you actually invited us on a trip." Kirishima said in awe as the five friends stepped into the small vacation home that the fiery blond had rented for the weekend.

"Same dude." Kaminari responded as he looked around the small home. There was a deep blue couch and two love seats in the living room centered in front of a T.V.. The kitchen was opened with beautiful sand colored tile that led to a back patio door. As soon as they stepped outside, they only had a few more steps till they were standing on the warm sand.

"Just don't break anything." Bakugo said with a heavy sigh as he made his way down the hallway to the left. There were three doors in the hallway, one on both sides and another one at the end. He glanced into the left room before seeing it had two queen beds, knowing that was for Kirishima, Kaminari and Shinso. He walked down a few more steps to the door on the right. This room had a king sized bed centered in the middle of the room and it was for him and his boyfriend.

"This is kind of fancy Kacchan." Midoriya stated as he walked into the room behind his boyfriend.

"Pro's of your parents being fashion designers." The blond replied with a simple shrug as he lazily threw both of their bags onto the large bed.

"Can I at least help you pay?" The green haired man questioned as he walked up to his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind.

"Not a chance, this is my treat for the band. We deserve a small break before we work nonstop on the showcase." He replied as he leaned back into his boyfriends. "Besides, have I ever let you help pay for a hotel before?" He asked with a small laugh.

"Not at all." Midoriya responded with a laugh of his own as he pulled his arms back to his side.

"Beach!" A loud voice yelled from the hallway before the sound of footsteps echo'd through the small house.

"Well, let's get changed and go." Bakugo said with a small laugh when he heard the excitement in his best friends voice. Everyone has been super stressed this year and it was definitely a needed trip.

"Alright." Midoriya responded as he stepped towards the door, shutting and locking it while his boyfriend dug through their bags for the swimming trunks.

"Here." The blond stated as he tossed the deep green swim trunks to the other man before pulling out his orange pair. They quickly stripped their street clothes off before quickly changing into their beach attire, but Midoriya wasn't quick enough. He jumped slightly as his boyfriend smacked his bare ass, just as he was about to pull his trunks up all the way.

"Katsuki." He said in a warning tone as he quickly tied the strings.

"Come on, you have a nice ass." Bakugo defended with a smirk. Just because they were with their friends, doesn't mean he was going to hold back on teasing his boyfriend.

"Behave." The green haired man said aloud as he turned around to face the other man. He instantly stopped in his tracks as his eyes wandered over every muscle he had. It doesn't matter that he's seen him shirtless almost everyday, he still can't help but stop and stare every time.

"Like what you see?" The blond teased with his signature smirk as he took a few steps forward, pressing his chest against the shorter males chest. His smirk didn't falter as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his boyfriends lips. Midoriya returned the kiss instantly as his left hand made it's way between their chests. After a few seconds, he pushed them apart, ending the kiss.

"Mhmm." He responded. "Come on, let's go outside." Midoriya said as he reached towards their bags, grabbing their towels.

"Alright." The blond responded as be grabbed his boyfriends unoccupied hand. They unlocked and opened the door before quickly making their way through the house and outback onto the small beach. Kirishima and Kaminari were already in the water, splashing each other playfully. Shinso sat on a plain black towel, watching the other two in the water.

"Don't feel like swimming?" Midoriya questioned as he laid his beach towel in the sand next to Shinso as his boyfriend laid his out on the other side of him.

"Just enjoying the sunshine." He replied with a small smile. The green haired man didn't say anything else as he leaned back onto his palms, trying to ignore the fact that Bakugo was clearly checking out his toned chest.

"Come on guys!" Kirishima yelled from the water as he he threw his hands in the air, hoping to grab their attention.

"It's not that cold!" Kaminari added with a wide smile.

"I'm going to order a grocery delivery, I'll be in after that." Bakugo said to the man beside him as he pulled his phone from his pockets.

"Okay, you okay if I go?" Midoriya asked as he stood up, shaking the sand of his hands.

"Go for it." Bakugo said with a soft smile. "I'll be in shortly."

"Okay, I love you." He said with a smile as he turned on his heel, already walking away.

"I love you too." Bakugo responded before the green haired man began sprinting towards the water, excited to join his friends. "How'd the duet go?" The blond asked the only other person that remained on the beach.

"Are we really going to do this?" Shinso asked with a scoff as he rolled his eyes. "Sit here and make small talk and act like we don't hate each others guts?" He questioned.

"Look Shinso, We're in a band together that could possibly be signed in the near future." He started as he finished ordering some simple groceries for the weekend. "I don't like you and I won't lie and say that I do." He spat with venom in his voice. "But I refuse to put stress on our other bandmates by always being at each other's throats. If we can't get along, then maybe it's best to break up the band now."

"Yeah, we won't be doing that." He replied with a scoff. There was no way he could let them break up the band already, he had only started his plan. If things went as he planned, the band would fizzle out on it's own before summer break ended.

"Then I suggest we get up and go spend some time with the others." Bakugo said with a sigh as he pushed himself to his feet, dropping his phone on top of his towel. He really didn't want Shinso near him or his boyfriend, but he knew he couldn't push him out of the band. He also wasn't the same person he was four or five years ago. He didn't like the constant fighting, he didn't like the drama and he certainly didn't like seeing the people he cared about hurt or in distress. So after a long talk with his boyfriend, he decided to actually try and make an effort with the purple haired man. Little did he know, that would be the mistake that started it all.

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