Beach Weekend, Part Two

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"Kaminari, if you shove anymore marshmallows into your mouth, you're going to choke." Shinso said with a heavy sigh as he adverted his gaze back to his burning marshmallow.

"Come on idiot, don't hurt yourself now. We have to talk about stuff tomorrow and we have an eight hour rehearsal the next day." The blond added as he held two pieces of graham crackers in his hand for his boyfriend. Midoriya quickly laid his roasted marshmallow on the graham cracker before taking his from the blonds hands, excited about the first smore he's had in years.

"Fwine!" The other blond said in reply as he slowly but surely began chewing through every marshmallow in his mouth. The red head looked at him in amusement as Bakugo's guitar sat in his lap. It was the second and last night of their small vacation and they decided to just sing and talk by the fire the whole night. It also gave them a chance to talk about the showcase without other ears trying to listen in.

"Oh Shinso, now's probably a good time to tell them everything you told me about advice for the showcase." Midoriya stated before biting down into the small dessert in his hands.

"Advice?" Kirishima questioned in confusion as he looked to the purple haired man. They'd already gathered as much advice from the teachers as they would tell them, so he felt like there wasn't much else to know.

"Yeah." Shinso responded with a sigh as he watched his now burnt marshmallow fall off the stick and into the flickering flames in the center of their circle. "Just a couple of things." He started as he pulled his empty stick from the fire before setting down in the sand next to himself.

"Let's hear them." Kaminari said as he grabbed his water bottle, hoping to wash down the last bit of marshmallow in his throat.

"One, everybody should sing and play every instrument at least once. It will show the world they we are very versatile."

"Yeah, makes sense." The red head responded as he set his elbows on his knee's intently listening to the advice that could potentially start their entire career right out of university.

"Two, we shouldn't be performing any songs that we've submitted." He stated, earning himself confused looks from the three people who hasn't heard the advice already. "They look at our public files on the schools website before coming to the showcase so they know who to look out for. Playing one or two of them probably wouldn't hurt, but we don't want to play the same songs they've already heard."

"So if you two were to perform your duet, that would be okay?" Kirishima questioned. He already got onto the school website and listened to it for himself and it was good. "That duet shows that Shinso can sing different genres and you guys sang so beautifully together. Your voices complemented each other and I think that song would be a great one to perform." He explained as his eyes flickered towards his best friend who was wearing a permanent scowl.

"That one, absolutely not." Shinso said, shooting it down immediately.

"Why not? I mean, I haven't heard it yet, but I trust Kiri's judgement." Kaminari asked with confusion. Shinso wasn't one to shoot an idea down so fast.

"Yeah, I really like that song." Midoriya whined, making his boyfriends blood boil. Bakugo knew this was normal for bandmates, but he hated the fact it was with Shinso.

"Did you check your email today?" The purple haired man asked in confusion.

"No?" The freckled man responded in equal confusion. What did that have to do with anything?

"You know the section of the website that has all the seniors listed with a lot of pictures, songs and information about us?" Shinso asked as he pulled up the page on his phone.

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