The Photo Shoot

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"Okay boys!" A tall, slender lady yelled as she stepped in front of the white back drop with a camera in her hand. Her long black hair was tied into a sleek bun, being held in place by a pair of green sunglasses on top of her head. Midoriya in Shinso walked out of the dressing room in their first outfit for the photo shoot. Midoriya was wearing a white v-neck shirt and simple black jeans, accompanied by his signature red sneakers. Shinso was wearing a red shirt and dark blue jeans with his normal black shoes. "We only have an hour and three different outfits, so let's get going!" She yelled as the two stepped in front of her.

"Since this is your first shoot and you're not entirely sure about what you're doing, I'll tell you the poses and you do them quickly." She said as she walked towards the two. "This is going to going to be a more professional one, the one that they'll end up putting in the programs and papers." She said as she walked behind them to the two blue X's that were taped on the floor. "Shinso, come stand on this one, Midoriya, stand on the other one." She instructed. The two did as they were told.

"Stand back to back with your arms crossed." She stated as she moved away from them, already pointing her camera. "Look at me and show me a smile, not an exaggerated smile, just a simple one." She said aloud. The two did as she said before her camera clicked a couple of times. "Now show me a smirk!" She yelled before taking a few more photos. After she was done, she looked through her camera before looking back to the duo. "You two are naturals!" She yelled with excitement.

"What next?" Shinso asked as he leaned the back of his head against Midoriya's, already wanting to leave. This woman was too hyper and energetic at seven in the morning.

"Actually, don't move." She said with a smirk as she walked closer to the two boys. "Shinso, lift your head maybe an inch and look straight ahead of you, off into the distance." She ordered. She gently grabbed Midoriya's head, forcing him to do the same thing practically. "And hold!" She yelled as she ran back to her spot, taking a few more photo's of them. They took photo's for another twenty minutes before she ordered them to go chance into their second outfit.

"On it." Midoriya said with a small smile as he and Shinso retreated to their shared dressing room. The green haired man quickly walked to the other side of the privacy screen before grabbing his next outfit that was on the hanger.

"You having fun?" Shinso asked through the screen, hoping to make small talk.

"My anxiety is a little high, but for the most part I guess." He replied simply as he slipped on his red jeans and black tank top. The shirt he was wearing showed off every muscle he had and he desperately wished he owned one like it already so he could wear it around his boyfriend, knowing he wouldn't be able to keep his hands to himself if he did. When he was done, he stepped out from the privacy screen, joining Shinso by the door. The purple haired man stared at him in shock for a moment. Not only was the shirt showing off all the prominent muscles on his arms, but it was skin tight around his abs too. He almost couldn't help but stare.

"You ready?" Shinso asked as he opened the door, scared he might do something he would regret if he continued standing in that room with him. When they walked back out, there was now an industrial fan sitting on the floor, blowing air to where they were going to be standing. The white screen was now replaced with a green screen as they stood on their X's.

"Okay boys!" The older lady yelled as she stepped up to the two of them. "Face the fan." She said as she grabbed Shinso's arm, pushing him right behind Midoriya. She pulled him closer to his side as she back away, getting a good look at the angle. "Shinso, put your left hand on his left shoulder." She ordered as he changed the setting on the fan to a lower speed. "Okay, now use your right hand and point towards the fan, like your pointing to something cool in the distance." She ordered as she took a step back. "Okay! Midoriya, your happy and intrigued by what he found and Shinso, you're so happy that you found something to make him happy!" She yelled as her camera began clicking away once more. They showed her the faces she wanted, even if it was hard for Midoriya. Shinso was so close to him that he could feel him breathing on the back of his neck and his hand had a firm grip on his shoulder.

"Perfect!" She yelled as she took a step towards them once more, ready to tell them their next position. They went on for another twenty minutes in those outfits as well before they were sent back to their dressing room for their third and final outfit. The third one was by far Midoriya's favorite. It was a pair of black jeans, a red shirt and a black leather jacket. This was similar to an outfit he had bought for the tour already. With a smile, he quickly changed before heading back out with Shinso for their final session of the day.

"Okay boys!" She yelled happily as they looked to the ground, noticing their X's had changed spots. "Go to the X's and lean against the wall." She ordered as she began messing with the settings on her camera. When they got to their spots, their shoulders were touching due to how much closer they were. "Shinso, put your arm around Midoriya." She ordered as she walked to the front of them. The purple haired man did as he was told. He threw his arm around the shorter male, forcing him to lean into his chest slightly. "Midoriya, bring your right foot up against the wall for me." She ordered as took a few steps back. "Now, put your outer hand in in your pocket and let your other one dangle. Next, Shinso look ahead into the distance somewhere with a smile, like your laughing. Midoriya just said something extremely funny."

"You got a joke?" The purple haired man asked his friend with a small laugh as he did what he was told.

"Midoriya, look to him with smile, like he just said the funniest thing, like he means everything to you." The green haired man nodded as he did what he was told. He knew it was just for the photo shoot, but he couldn't help the feeling of guilt that coursed it's way through his veins. He didn't want to do the photo shoot anymore. "Let me get two more poses and we're done." She said quietly when she noticed the discomfort in the shorter males face. And true to her word, they were done in less than 10 minutes and they got to change back into their street clothes.

"You both did amazing today. I will get them edited and send them to you asap. Have an amazing day you two." She said with a smile as she gently placed her camera back into its bag.

"Thank you for the amazing opportunity." Shinso said with a smile as he set a gentle hand on his friends back, leading them through the door and outside. "You okay?" He asked quietly when they stepped outside into the sunlight once more.

"I want to go home Shinso." Midoriya replied in a quiet voice as he looked to the ground, not having the courage to look up at him right that second.

"Okay then, let's get you home." The purple haired man replied as he led them to his car. He wasn't sure how to deal with the anxiety and as much as he didn't want to, he knew it was something he was going to have to ask Bakugo about.

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