The Final Showcase

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"Okay, we're here!" Bakugo yelled as he ran into the rehearsal room they were assigned for a last minute practice. The duo's flight had ended up getting cancelled, allowing them to arrive with a little less than thirty minutes before they were supposed to be on the stage.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Kirishima questioned angrily as the two stepped into the room. "You're lucky Midnight was able to move us to be the last band to perform!" He yelled.

"There was a huge storm here in Japan, all flights got cancelled." Midoriya responded as he panted for breath from running through the building, trying to make it on time. The red head looked to him in surprise when he saw the several dark marks lingering his neck. He knew they couldn't have been from Shinso since he had been back for two weeks by this point, so where did they come from? Did he stay in Vegas for someone else?

"But we're here now and without a lot of time, so let's do the fastest and most perfect run through that we can do. We don't have a mic or anything, so I'm not gonna worry about the singing. I know we all have that mastered. Let's just get to our instruments and make sure we can play the songs together." He ordered. Without complaints, everybody did what they were told. "Let's run through it in the order we're playing it in. So first up is my solo." Bakugo said aloud as he stood in the front of the group, giving everyone a few seconds to get to their instruments before counting them off.

One by one, they made it through the shortest rehearsal in record time, with only ten minutes to spare for mic and sound check. When they were done rehearsing, they went back stage of the auditorium to get ready to do their final showcase performance after double checking that Tokoyami had the correct effect list for their show. The showcase that had hundreds of talent scouts in the audience, the one that was worth over 80% of their final grade, the one that would determine whether or not that stayed together as a band or they went their separate ways. With how distant Bakugo and Midoriya were, they would understand if the rest of the band didn't want to stay with them. They've been absent for their own personal reasons and they weren't there for them.

"We really didn't know if you guys were going to be here or not." Kaminari whispered quietly as they waited in the side of the stage for their performance to start.

"We would have never forgave ourselves if we hadn't." Midoriya whispered in reply as he glanced across the stage to the other side to see Bakugo, Jiro and Kirishima ready to head out as well.

"It's just weird that you two were on different flights, different times from different countries and yet, you both arrived extremely late." The blond said with a sigh of relief, oblivious as ever. The announcer went over the speaker, giving the closing speech for the previous band.

"Yeah and I promise we'll talk about it later tonight." The green haired man responded with a nervous smile as the previous band began exiting the stage. "You ready?" Midoriya questioned as he took a deep breath to help calm his nerves.

"Relax bro, we've got this." Kaminari responded with a smile as he rested his hand on his friends shoulder. "I know we didn't have a lot of time to rehearse, but we're gonna be perfectly fine." He added with his signature smile. "We're going to win first place and have a clean sweep in solo's and the duo-trio category."

"I know we will." Midoriya responded with a shaky breath as he looked over his outfit one more time, just to make sure he wasn't stuck in his nightmare of going on stage in his underwear. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw he was in his black jeans, red shirt and black jacket.

"Up next is Controlled Chaos!" A voice yelled over the loud speaker, causing the audience to applaud as the band walked onto the stage. Midoriya went straight for the drums as he looked out to the audience, happy to see all his friends and family scattered in the first few rows. His heart was beating rapidly as the harsh stage lights pounded down on the group. Take a deep breath Izuku, you've performed at a sold out concert at Madison Square Garden for crying out loud. You should be able to hand this. He said to himself as he took a deep breath and counted them off to begin their performance.

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