Just Say Yes

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"Just call me if it happens Shinso." Bakugo said in annoyance as he stood down in the common room with his least favorite person. "If he goes into full anxiety mode, just call me."

"Or you can tell me how to handle it so we don't have to wake you up at three in the morning." Shinso replied as he rolled his eyes, getting absolutely nowhere.

"I don't care what damn time it is or if we're in the middle of band practice, call me." He replied through his clenched teeth. There was no way in hell that he was going to tell him to hold his boyfriend in his arms and whisper sweet things into his ear. He may not be able to hold him himself, but hell would have to freeze over before he let the other male do it.

"Why are you being so stubborn right now?" Shinso asked in an aggravated tone.

"Because that's my boyfriend!" Bakugo yelled back before looking around the common room, making sure it was empty. The only person he saw was Kirishima, who tried to stay hidden in the hallway, but failed miserably. However, he let him go as he turned back to Shinso. "He is the absolute love of my life and I won't let you fucking ruin that Shinso, I will fucking kill you if you ever lay a hand on him. Do you understand me?" The blond hissed as he took a step forward. It didn't matter that he was two inches shorter, he was still absolutely terrifying in that moment. Even the taller male was struggling to keep his composure. "He's my boyfriend, not yours." Bakugo said through his teeth as his fists clenched by his side.

"Yeah, well.." Shinso's voice trailed off as he turned towards the hallway to retreat to his room for the night. "We'll see about that." He said with a smirk when he was a few steps away. He was hoping the few steps of distance would keep the blond where he was, but he was so wrong. Bakugo snarled as he lunged for the purple haired man, grabbing his shoulder. He turned him around quickly, making him face him. Before Shinso could protest, Bakugo's fist was flying through the air.

However, he didn't stop there. He grabbed the front of Shinso's shirt, holding him in place as he punched him once more before the purple haired male decided to fight back. Shinso pushed him away from him as he gathered the years of hatred in one single punch. His fist flew through the air, landing a clean punch on Bakugo's nose. The blond charged forward, pushing on his chest before tackling him. They fell onto the table, breaking it in the process as they rolled around, throwing punches left and right.

"Guys, what the hell!" Kirishima yelled as he ran into the room, finally snapping out of the small state of shock he was in. "Guys! Stop!" He yelled loudly as he grabbed the back of Shinso's shirt, who was currently on top of Bakugo. The purple haired man turned around, shoving Kirishima as hard as he could, sending the red head back to the fall on the floor.

"Don't fucking touch him!" Bakugo yelled as he grabbed Shinso's arm, flipping him over and pinning him to the ground, punching him once more.

"Jesus fuck." Kirishima said to himself as he stood up, frantically pulling his phone from his pocket to the call the one person who could stop this fight fast. With shaky fingers, he scrolled through his contacts until he found who he was looking for.

"Hello?" Midoriya said into the phone after only two short rings.

"Midobro, I need you in the common room pronto." Kirishima said.

"Why?" The green haired man questioned from the other side of the phone as the sound of a bed squeaking echo'd, signaling he just stood up.

"Bakubro and Shinso are fighting." He half yelled, hoping the two would hear him and stop fighting.

"Tell Katsuki to walk away and come back to the room." Midoriya said with a heavy sigh. This wasn't the first time he was called to settle an argument between the two.

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