Telling The Parents

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"I can't believe you're leaving in two days." Inko said with a frown as she sat at her dining table with her son, husband, Bakugo and his parents. The younger men had convinced everyone to come together for one last dinner before he flew away for four weeks.

"I'll be back in four weeks." Midoriya responded sadly. He didn't want to say he regretted signing that contract, but he hated that he did. After everything that happened with Shinso, he wasn't sure how he felt about it anymore. Unfortunately, to void the contract, he would lose all the money he had already paid and would have to pay an extra thousand for every week he wasn't there. He already put in an easy six thousand without cancelling the contract and he simply couldn't afford to put in anymore.

"You'll be back for the showcase and then you'll disappear for another month." Toshinori said. He didn't see his son as much as he wanted too, but it killed him that he wasn't going to be seeing much of him for the next two months. He knew traveling like this was going to happen eventually, but he didn't think it would he so soon.

"Okay, this was meant to be a dinner with happy news, not a sappy dinner." Midoriya said as he pushed himself from his feet. After they explained what had happened to the blonds face, everyone's been sad and sappy.

"Happy news?" Inko asked in confusion as she looked to her son. Bakugo and Midoriya decided they wanted to tell their parents of their engagement before anyone else.

"Yeah, happy news." Midoriya responded as he sent a quick wink to his step-dad since he was the only one who knew he was going to be proposing.

"Well, what is it?" Mitsuki questioned as she looked at her son as he stood up as well. All four adults looked back and forth between the two boys, waiting for one of them to say something.

"Well.... We're getting married!" Bakugo said with a wide smile as he threw his arm around his fiancé. Jaws dropped around the table as everyone took in the information. Inko was the first to react as she stood from her chair, running around the table. She pulled both young men into her arms as tears starred falling down her face.

"Y-you're really getting married?" She asked with happiness and disbelief as she squeezed them both tightly.

"Yeah." Her son said with the widest smile anyone has ever seen. Inko pulled away from the two, only to have them be pulled into another bone crushing hug by Mitsuki.

"Congratulations." She said as she felt them both hug her back.

"Thanks mom." Bakugo said with a small smile.

"Firstly, congratulations." Toshinori said as Mitsuki released her hold on the two. "Secondly, what happened to the original plan?" He asked in a confused tone as everyone turned to look at him.

"Wait, you knew?" Inko asked in betrayal as looked to to her husband.

"Yeah, I had him temporarily buy the rings until after I proposed so there was no chance of leaving a trail for Katsuki to find." Midoriya explained as he opened his wallet, pulling out a few crips hundred dollar bills. Hearing that slightly shocked everyone since they all assumed the blond had proposed. "I didn't want to take any chances." He added as he handed his stepdad the money.

"Have you guys chosen a date?" Inko asked with excitement, turning the attention away from her husband.

"We've chosen a month, but not an exact day yet." The blond replied as everyone sat down in their seats once more. "We're thinking next August."

"Inside, outside? Have you planned anything yet?" Inko asked with excitement. Her only son was getting married, how could she not be excited?

"Outside wedding for sure and an outside reception as well." Midoriya responded as he slid his hand into his fiancé's, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Formal wedding, and a semi-formal reception. We don't want a big fancy dinner at some expensive hall."

"We were actually thinking of having a barbecue with an open bar and just a bunch of outside games." The blond added with a simply shrug. "Some tents so people can drink and sleep over. Something that felt more like a us and a little more personal."

"I think that would be fun!" Mitsuki said with a wide smile. It wasn't exactly tradition, but it did sound a lot more fun than sitting around a giant table and making small talk with a bunch of people at the reception. She loved the idea of games being sprawled everywhere and having fun.

"We'll plan it more throughout the year.. but that's what we have so far." Bakugo said with a smile as he squeezed his fiancé's hand.

"Well, if you need any help planning anything, let us know." Inko hummed in happiness.

"It's safe to say that we'll be paying for the reception." Toshinori stated with a smile. He couldn't be more happy for the two. He was there when they were only friends in the beginning, it was crazy to see how much both of them have grown over the years.

"We'll be paying for the wedding." Masaru added immediately, just as proud and happy of the two young men.

"Thank you." Midoriya said with a smile towards both set of parents. He couldn't help but wonder where his biological dad was or what he was doing at that moment. He knows that if he were there, he'd be throwing a huge fit. Luckily, he had someone as amazing as Toshinori in his life.

"Who's last name are you taking?" Mitsuki questioned as she looked to her son and future son in law. The two have obviously talked about it already and came to a decision, but it was a rather hard one to make.

"In the end, we decided that Katsuki Midoriya sounds better than Izuku Bakugo." The blond said as he leaned towards his fiancé, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Honestly, I agree." Masaru said with a small chuckle.

"It's getting kind of late and I need to be getting back to finish up my packing." Midoriya said with a small smile. He was still excited for this amazing opportunity, but he wasn't ready to say goodbye just yet. He felt silly since he would be back in a month, but he couldn't help but feel like he was leaving everyone behind. He knew it would be better if his fiancé was joining, but it wasn't possible at that moment.

"Wait! I made a packing list!" Inko yelled suddenly as she pushed herself from her seat. The room burst into laughter as Midoriya looked to his mom.

"Of course you did." He said before joining the rest of the room in laughter.

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