Closer to the Edge Part One

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Hello my amazing readers!! As y'all know, I have been super sick, which is why y'all got 6 updates in one night lol. Well, in the last 24 hours, I have been awake maybe 4 hours or so.. and those 4 hours were absolute torture. However, after finally waking up and my 103 degree fever finally breaking, I was soo happy when I check my notifications. I love the debates y'all have started on this story!! It's so nice to see readers actually interested in the mental health aspect of this story and to see who you guys think is in the wrong. It really makes my day to see you guys so interested. Also, a lot of you guys are now reading love in an unlikely place, which is amazing!! That story also focuses on mental health a lot and I'm really glad y'all are reading it❤️

So without further ado, here is another double update for you guys since I love you all so much🥰🥰

Bakugo stared at the pictures with a monotone expression. How the hell could his ex record these songs, but still sleep with Shinso? How the hell could he give him false hope and rip it away? He grew sick to his stomach as he slowly moved his thumb across the screen, looking at every picture. Just a few weeks ago, that was him and Midoriya. He was terrified of this happening, that he tried to make him choose. What he didn't realize at the time was that he drove him right into the arms of the man he didn't want near. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream. However, he knew that would do nothing to make him feel better. He locked his phone, staring at his reflection on the black screen.

"What the hell have you done?" He asked himself as he stood from the bed. He walked to the door and slipped on his shoes. He turned to take a good look at their shared dorm. Memories flashed through his mind as he looked to the kitchen, staring at the red bow that was still stuck to the side of the fridge.

"Katsuki, stop!" Midoriya laughed loudly as his boyfriend stuck the bow to his cheek for the tenth time. "I'm not the present!" He said as he grabbed the bow from his cheek before pushing it to the blond's lips.

"And I am?" Bakugo replied with a small laugh as he pulled the bow from his lips.

"You're the only present I need." Midoriya responded with a soft smile as the other male walked closer to him, making him back into the fridge and counter.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Bakugo asked as he raised his hand, sticking the red bow onto the fridge above his boyfriend's head.

"Everyday." The green haired man responded with a soft smile before pushing himself to the balls of his feet, meeting his boyfriend's soft lips for a gentle kiss.

Bakugo looked over to the living room, continuing down memory lane.

"Katsuki Bakugo, from the moment we started our relationship, I knew you were different. From the very beginning, you cared. You cared enough to stick around and help me get better and become a better person myself. You have the ability to help people see the good in the world and you are truly amazing. You are incredibly smart, talented, handsome, and overall amazing. I love you more than life itself and I want to spend the rest of my life making new memories and learning every possible thing about you." Midoriya said as tears fell slowly down both of their faces. "Katsuki Bakugo, will you marry me?"

"You idiot," Bakugo mumbled in reply as tears fell down his face. He wrapped his arms around the other man, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

"Is that a yes?"

"Of course, that's a yes."

"The rest of your life, huh?" Bakugo asked himself as he turned for the door, ripping it open and walking through. That was the exact reason he hated being in that dorm. He hated all the memories that flooded his mind every time he walked into a room. He turned right towards the stairs, knowing the elevator was just as hard to stand in. He slowly made his way up the stairs and past the sixth floor, onto the rooftop. The windy summer air flew through his hair as he opened the heavy metal door. He took a deep breath, thankful to be in the fresh air. He looked around the scattered pieces of furniture before he found his favorite chair shoved in the front corner. He walked along the edge of the building, his hand dragging against the four-foot cement barrier on the edge. He looked down at the few students that were walking around. It was funny how he felt like his life was ending and they were walking around, laughing.

It was at that moment he realized that it didn't matter what he did, the world would continue on tomorrow. Everybody would still wake up and go about their day. When he arrived at his chair, his arm fell back to his side. He pulled his phone from his hoodie pocket before taking his hoodie off, dropping it to the ground. The fresh air blew against his arms, making him let out a small sigh of relief. He reached into his pants pocket, pulling out the small lighter that was buried inside. He plopped down into the deep orange lawn chair, leaning back as he flicked the lighter.


He stared at the small flame, waiting for it to get hot. After about half a minute, he released his thumb, letting the flame die out. He pushed the metal part against a clean spot on the inside of his arm. He didn't flinch when the hot metal piece hit his skin. With a disappointing frown, he tried again. With no satisfaction, he got the lighter hot before trying again. He went over an old burn that had blistered two days ago. Still, he felt nothing. No pain, no satisfaction. All he felt, was numb. He lit the lighter once more, holding his hand right above the flame. He's done this before and felt it almost instantly, what was different this time?

"That's going to be a bad one." He mumbled to himself as he pulled the lighter away, inspecting the burn on his arm. It was a deeper red than the rest of them. He was sure it would hurt more too if only he could feel it. He gently laid the lighter on the ground with his other belongings. He looked up to the clear sky, hoping it would help clear his mind. Once more, he felt nothing. His red eyes trailed to the barrier around the edge of the rooftop. He stood from his chair, pushing it back a couple of more feet against the wall. He put his foot on the chair, propping himself up. He brought another foot onto the thick railing, pulling himself to the edge of the building.

Why does standing here not scare me? Why does the fact that one wrong step and I would fall essentially seven stories? There's a 90% chance that it would kill me, but I'm still not scared. Am I dreaming? Am I even still alive? He asked himself as he brought his hand in front of his face, examining every detail. He felt like he was awake earlier, so he knew this wasn't a dream. This was the shitty reality that was finally catching up to him. This wasn't the first time he stood on the edge of this building with the thought of jumping. However, this was the first time he considered it. He was waking up to a life that he didn't want to live anymore. It was all too much and he officially couldn't handle it any longer. He closed his eyes and lowered his hand, moving one foot closer to the edge.

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