Now, Do You Still Love Me?

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katsukiswife23 , got busy at work for a bit, but here you go!! Last one for the night❤️

"Thank you for telling me." Bakugo mumbled into the phone as he glanced back to the sleeping man on the bed. "Is there anything I can do?"

"No, I've already gotten everything taken care of." Kendo responded with a nervous laugh. "Just promise me something Bakugo."

"What's that?" He asked with a small sigh.

"That you'll pull yourself out of whatever this is and get your life back together. You're too young and way too talented to be sleeping around, knocking people up and trying to jump off roofs." She said with a small laugh.

"Promise me something then." Bakugo said as the green haired man started to stir on the bed.

"What's that?" She questioned through the phone.

"You'll get yourself out of whatever mess Shinso threw you in." He said with a sigh, already knowing he was the reason she was always in the terrible situations that she was in.

"I already am. Which brings me back to the night of the party.. I'm sorry for seducing you when you were hurting. I took advantage of that, which is something I never should have done." She apologized. Shinso had convinced her to do a lot of terrible things since she started UAE, but that was one she was never able to forgive herself for.

"Hey, I made my own choices." He responded as the green haired man sat up, officially waking up for the day.

"Are you going to work things out with Midoriya?" She asked with a hint of hope in her voice.

"I'm going to try my best." He responded with a smile. "I have to go though, text me if you need anything."

"I will, thank you." She responded into the phone. "Bye." She said before ending the call.

"Good morning sleepy head." Bakugo said as he walked towards the main part of his hotel room. He couldn't help but smile as he admired the green haired mans terrible bed head that he missed so much.

"Good morning." Midoriya responded with a soft smile. "I missed waking up and seeing you everyday. I didn't appreciate it enough back then."

"I know the feeling." The blond replied as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Was there anywhere specific you wanted to go today?"

"Not really. What other places did you need to go to?" Midoriya responded as he threw his arms over his head, stretching his bones.

"How about you pick something?" Bakugo suggested. "There's gotta be something you want to do."

"I don't really care." He responded. "Whatever you decide is fine with me."

"Well, it's nice outside and not excruciatingly hot, so how about the Hoover Dam Bypass? I hear it's got a good view." The blond suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Midoriya responded with a soft smile.

"Let's get ready then." Bakugo said as he pushed himself from the bed, extending his hand for the other man to take.



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