The Never Ending Nightmare

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"Hey babe, wacha doin?" Kaminari questioned with a smile as he walked into the common room to see his boyfriend sitting on the floor with his laptop on the table.

"Seeing if anybody has submitted their assignments for the week. It's only the third day, so there probably isn't many, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to check." He responded as he logged into his student portal.

"Considering everyone is cramming for the showcase, some people might have wanted to get it out of the way." Kaminari responded as he sat on the ground next to his boyfriend.

"That's what I'm hoping. We have six hour rehearsals everyday until the showcase, so it would be nice if everybody didn't upload them on the last possible day." He responded as he loaded into the portal. He went to his performance class before heading to the duet section, letting out a heavy sigh when he saw nothing had been uploaded yet. He went to the solo section, happy to see a few in there.

"Anybody submit them yet?" Kaminari asked as he peered to the screen.

"Jiro, Kendo, Bakugo and Midoriya already submitted theirs." He responded with a smile before going Midoriya's.

"I think this is the earliest that Bakugo and Midoriya have submitted theirs since they broke up." Kaminari said with a smile, happy to see they were barely beating the deadline this week.

"Right?" The redhead responded as he pressed play on Midoriya's song, bringing up the grading sheet as he listened.

"I think that's one of my favorite songs that he's written." Uraraka said with a smile as she and Iida walked into the room.

"Me too actually." Kirishima said with a smile as he wrote his final grade of 97/100 for Midoriya's song. "Have you guys talked to him this week?" He asked as he backed out before going to the blonds song.

"Not since he got his new phone in the mail." The brunette responded with a heavy sigh. "Have you talked to Bakugo?"

"We talked for a couple of minutes yesterday, he actually sounded happy. I think he just needed some time away and to process his feelings." Kirishima informed with a smile. The redhead was glad his best friend was feeling better, but he still worried about him being in another country.

"As long as he's doing okay, that's all that matters." Kaminari said with a soft smile as he pressed his lips to his boyfriends temple, giving him a reassuring kiss. "Can we listen to his song?"

"Yeah." Kirishima responded before starting Bakugo's song, pulling up a new grading sheet.

Kirishima recorded his thoughts on Bakugo's song before submitting his final score of 94/100. It was a good song, but it lacked the emotion he wanted to hear.

"Just the two gentlemen I wanted to see." A voice sounded from the front door of their dorms.

"Midnight, you're back!" Kirishima said with a wide smile. Her being gone wasn't terrible since Mr. Yagi was a great substitute, but they wanted her opinion on their selections for the showcase since they were currently missing half of their band.

"Yes I am, but it's not with good news." She responded with a sigh as she looked around the room. "Could you two give us a few moments?" She asked Uraraka and Iida as she made her way closer to Kirishima and Kaminari, not excited to tell them what was going on with Shinso.

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