Izuku Midoriya, I own you

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Okay, I am really sick and struggling to stay awake at work tonight.. so I'm gonna see how many chapters I can proof read and write🤷🏻‍♀️ I have over ten chapters after this one that are already written and I'm still not finished with this book, so why not have an update splurge, right? Right.

Midoriya stood naked next to the bed as he stared wide-eyed at the sleeping figure on the bed. Memories came flooding back from last night and he felt sick to his stomach and not because he had a hangover. This is what Katsuki was worried about. He was worried something like this would happen and here I am, proving him right. What have I done? He asked himself with tears rolling down his freckled cheeks as he turned for the bathroom. He quickly walked into the small room by the front door and turned the water on as hot as it would go.

He looked in the mirror while he waited for the water to heat up, disgusted by his reflection. He had hickeys littering his collarbone and upper chest. His eyes were bloodshot red and his skin was incredibly pale. He truly felt as terrible as he looked. What have I done? He asked himself with tears still streaming down his face as he stepped into the shower. He flinched when the extremely hot water hit his back, but he refused to turn it lower. He grabbed his soap and wash towel before vigorously scrubbing his body, not caring if it hurt or not. He needed to be clean, to feel clean.

He scrubbed every inch of his body as hard as he could until the water turned ice cold. Even with his body being scrubbed raw, he still felt disgusting. His heart felt heavy as he turned the water off, stepping out of the shower after what must have been an hour. He looked around the bathroom and let out a heavy sigh when he realized he didn't bring any clothes in there with him. He took a deep breath as he opened the door, hoping the other man was still asleep. He quietly walked back into the main part of the room, only to find it empty. Well, almost empty. There was a fresh pair of clothes and a note on the bed for him. He walked over in confusion and picked up the note.

Midoriya, I packed all of our stuff into the car. I grabbed something that looked comfortable from your bag, hope you don't mind. Go ahead and get dressed and grab our stuff from the bathroom. I'm going to grab breakfast and I'll be back soon.


The green haired man let out a sigh of relief when he didn't have to face Shinso naked. He looked at the clothes on the bed and frowned as he grew sad all over again. There was a pair of black sweatpants, his boxers, and a black shirt with a giant orange X on it. Half of the clothes he packed were Bakugo's and he'd been trying to avoid wearing them. This was a newer shirt, so Shinso probably didn't even know it was his ex's. He took a deep breath as he finished drying off and got dressed. They had to finish the rest of their drive to New York City today and they had to leave soon. He couldn't stand there and think about the blond until Shinso came back to grab him.

When he was dressed, he walked to the bathroom to gather their toiletries, leaving just their toothbrushes and toothpaste out so they could brush their teeth before they left. When that was done, he grabbed his iPad and charger from the dresser, putting everything into his shoulder bag that went in the front seat with him. When he was sure he grabbed everything and was officially done packing, the purple haired man arrived back to their room.

"Hey, how was your shower?" Shinso asked with a small smile as he entered the room with two cups of coffee and a small paper bag of food.

"It was okay.. What did you grab for breakfast?" Midoriya asked as he looked to the ground as he sat on the edge of the bed. He didn't dare to look Shinso in the eyes, not after last night.

"Egg sandwiches." He replied as he sat the bag on the bed before taking a coffee out of the carrier, handing it to the green haired man. "One cinnamon latte with no whiskey."

"Haha, very funny." Midoriya said sarcastically as he pulled his gaze from the floor. Green met purple as the two locked eyes for the first time since the previous night. "Listen, Shinso.. about last night.." The freckled man started nervously as he took a small sip of his coffee, not even worrying about it still being scolding hot. This was a conversation they had to have sooner rather than later, he had to set things straight. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and hopefully prevent the oncoming anxiety attack that was lurking within.

"What about it?" Shinso asked as he set his coffee down on the dresser, already knowing where this conversation was going. He knew the green haired man was going to regret what had happened when he woke up the next morning, which is why he took those pictures. He may be a lot of things, but an idiot was not one of them. He knew Midoriya would never just obey him or follow his command, so he did what he had to do to make him.

"I'm really sorry." The freckled man started with a heavy sigh as the other man sat next to him on the edge of the bed. "I was really drunk and hurting over Katsuki. You were there and I wasn't thinking clearly. I took advantage of the situation and I'm sorry." He mumbled in embarrassment as he looked down to the grungy red carpet once more. "I just want to clarify that it will not happen again."

"So, you regret it?" Shinso asked with a scoff as he grabbed his phone from his pocket. "You seemed to be enjoying every second of it last night." He added as he opened his gallery.

"Like I said, I wasn't in my right mind. I never meant to hurt you Shinso, I truly am sorry." Midoriya mumbled as he picked his gaze from the floor, looking at Shinso once more. He quickly grew irritated that he was playing on his phone instead of paying attention to him. "And it may be selfish if me to ask, but can we keep it on the down-low?"

"You know, I always got what I wanted growing up." Shinso stated with a smirk as his attitude did a 180 turn. "I still do, most of the time anyway. You're here with me and you and Bakugo are no longer together." Midoriya's eyes widened in shock as Shinso's smirk grew into a wicked grin. "I really did love him, you know?" He stated as he shoved his phone towards Midoriya. "And you stole him from me, which is something I'll never be able to forgive you for. It's truly unfortunate because I actually do like you a lot." He said as he turned his screen towards the green haired man, showing the first picture he took last night.

"Shinso!" He yelled in horror as he froze to his seat. He wanted to reach out, to snatch the phone from him, but he couldn't move. His eyes were wide with horror as he watched his thumb moving across the screen, showing different pictures of them in different positions. He had felt a lot of things in his life, but he had never felt violated like this.

"Izuku Midoriya, I own you now."

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