The Wedding

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(church where wedding was taking place)

The wedding

Lucia walks over to Franco and asks him. hey little brother when were you going to let me know you are getting married? Franco's face turns pale seems embarrassed that he forgot to tell Lucia and responds who told you?


Well, it seems you were not going to invite me ha? Franco starts laughing and says hey sis,  we have not decided where to get married because her family cannot come over to Italy they are not sure if their boss will allow them the time to come here.  Dad is sick and cannot travel so it is kind of a dilemma, hey little brother, tell Amelia that her boss gives them permission and will help them pay for their tickets, Lucia starts laughing to the point she starts tearing up, Franco is stunned as to why she is laughing and how does she know his Fiancée' boss, Lucia looks at Franco and tells him, look Franco you met Amelia in a restaurant when I sent her here 8 months ago, to check on possible wine distributors for me since I did not want to come back quite yet, so you are her boss Eleina Zapata? Hahahahahah, what a name you got their sis, Lucia looks at him and says hey little bro what do you know of the Mexican history? he responds absolutely nothing, Eleina looks straight into his eyes and says first of all my name not Eleina it's actually Elena and it means "shining bright" the last name is from a Mexican Revolutionary hero named Emiliano Zapata, so please shut up! being part Mexican I am proud to take that name Franco as I needed a strong name after all I went through, Franco response well I guess, it is time I start studying it since I am marrying one, serves you right, Lucia tells him and just when as I am about to walk away,
Franco says seriously sis will you help me bring the family over?  I tell him of course I am, you were there when I needed you the most and now I am here for you.

it's been a month since I arrived, I have been caring for my dad to help my mother and finally got my other family here in Italy, Letty and Amelia were really surprised with our city, being so open and also plenty places to go, but more with the selection of wedding dresses and suits.

Today is Franco's wedding day and all the family and friends have been invited, that included the Rugetti family, which I am hoping that Alonzo will not show up , the Sanchez family was completely surprised, that of all the people in the world, they  end up with me as family, when they arrived I asked them to please not to mention my name Eleina Zapata. that name needs to be kept quiet there are people whom I would not like for them to know, they agreed.

Amelia was getting ready for the wedding she was nervous especially when my mother Mariana walked in, (Mariana had made Amelia feel lowly), after my mother found out that Amelia was of lowly status, but to her dismay, I told my mother, these people took your daughter a lowly maid from Italy, took care of her when she most needed it, they let her live with them, fed her took care of her when she was sick, so if you see them as lowly you better count me as lowly, because they became my very humble loving family when I was hurting the most.

With those words My mother lowered her head and apologized to me, but, I responded, mother it's not me who you need to apologize to but to Amelia, since that day a week ago Mom was avoiding the Sanchez family, today is my brother, Franco and Amelia wedding day, Letty and I were in the room helping Amelia get ready, when the door opens and in comes Mom with a beautiful diamond necklace for her soon to be daughter-in-law and asks her," Can I put this on for you" Amelia smiles and nod yes, after putting it on Mom hugs her and tells her welcome to the family Amelia.

Amelia had Valeria do the make-up, which was simple a little powder, light mascara and pink lip gloss, her dress is conservative adorned with white flower embroidered on the lace over the silk fabric, buttons run down the sleeves, her veil was her grandmothers, silk hand crafted embroider white lilies with small green leaves, her bouquet was made of white roses, Amelia looks beautiful as she stands, waiting to walk into the church which was decorated with white and red roses, meaning of purity and love.

 Amelia was walking with her Father, Franco is waiting at the alter looking very handsome dressed in a handmade navy blue tuxedo handmade by Panch, dark blue tie, his light brown hair is slicked back and brown eyes, where you can see his happiness with a bit of nervousness flowing out of him, but the most beautiful part of him is his beautiful shining smile, happiness shining bright.

Today I am feeling very happy for my little brother.  I wish him to have a beautiful harmonious  marriage full of love and prosperity. (inside of me, I feel a little jealous. I was not able to have that) but, I am full of love for my brother and my now little sister Amelia, she has brought so much joy to our family.

photo is not mine, credit goes to the owner. 

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