Wedding Day Arrives

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(photo of Alonzo Rugetti above)

Wedding Day Arrives.

It is our wedding day, I am really upset, I did not sleep much last night I cried of anger and frustration, asking myself "Why did my parents agree to this horrible marriage" Why???

I, arrive to the designated room at the church. I'm here 4 hours early, my dad says only family members will be at this wedding. not even friends it's suppose to be kept quiet, ( I am so glad, because to me, it would be humiliating, if my friends see this wedding dress). I was feeling nauseous and nervous at the same time, I walk in  to see a hair stylist, make-up artist, and the party planner, I don't know any of these people but, behind them all is, my mother and soon to be mother-in-law, I can see more concern on my mother-in-laws face, than my greedy mothers, I tell them, I need to use the restroom before they can get started on my fake face and hairdo. I walk into the restroom since it is in a church, it's a small restroom just the toilet, small sink and a small mirror, I sit on the toilet, not wanting to come out, but 5 minutes later I hear a knock on the door, it's my mother-in-law, Valeria letting me know I need to come out, I walk out of the restroom and sit on the chair in front of the mirror. Ashley the make-up artist starts working on my face. Roselia starts on my hair, I look at the dress I have to wear, it's pretty ugly, It has ruffles from the waist down, ruffles on the arms, the veil looks like it was just dragged off the shelf and cut, nothing on it, no lace or designs, the shoes are way too high with a big flower by the toes, I cringe at the sight of all of it all, my make-up and hair stylist have seen my reaction and know exactly what is happening, arraigned marriage?, Ashley softly asks me. Did you choose your wedding dress? I look at her and cringe respond no, they both know Alonzo is a an asshole now, who will screw anything with a hole, Roselia looks at me and says don't cry your make-up will run and we won't have enough time to fix it, I hold my tears back and soon the ladies are done. My mother says time to put on your dress with a big smile, (I was hoping it would rip as she took it off the hanger), I stand up and my mother-in-law helps me put on the dress. My mother grabs the bouquet which looks like a bunch of weeds with some flowers just pulled from the sidewalk. I ask Valeria if she or mom chose the dress, she says no, Alonzo did, now I know why everything is ugly.  

Just as I am ready, we hear a knock on the door, my dad pops in his head and says show time, I start feeling sick to my stomach, I walk out of the room feeling very ugly and embarrassed with this wedding gown and bouquet, the doors open and the music starts to play, I have my head down I feel totally humiliated.  how can my mother and mother-in-law let Alonzo choose such an ugly gown? I was suppose to choose my own gown. 

We get to the front, my dad hands my hand over to Alonzo the pervert, and tells him please take care of my daughter and treat her well, I hear Alonzo say of course I will, Alonzo looks at me with a smirk, my mind went blank once Alonzo took my hand. We are in front of the priest, I only hear the priest say, dearly beloved we are gathered here to join Alma Lucia Torres and Alonzo Javier Rugetti in holy matrimony, after that everything is a complete blur up to when the priest says you may kiss the bride, I was horrified when this ass pulls up my veil, looks at me his eyes widen but, then they go back into that sinister look, he bend down to me to give me the kiss, I slightly turn my head and he kisses the side of my mouth, he gets close to my ear and says for this rejection, I will make sure you will get it pretty rough tonight, you won't be able to walk tomorrow, he pulls me close to him puts his hand around my waist, then pinches me hard, I cringe and I hold my tears that almost come out, he pulls me toward the exit of the church while the families throw rice at us, we are now outside. I see a woman, blond long legs, red lips curvy body looking straight at Alonzo, right away I realize, that she is his mistress, I don't care and turn to my brother Franco who is talking to one of Alonzo bodyguards, Franco turns and walks towards me, hugs me and says congratulations sis. then walks away, I am about to bolt out of here since all the guest are busy talking to each other, but just as I turn to go, I feel my arm being yanked back, I turn and see it's Alonzo. He looking at me with eyes full of rage, he asks me. "where do you think your going? with gritted teeth, If your trying to run away, you better think twice because, if you do, I will find you and make sure you won't ever walk again!

I, turn to walk back with Alonzo, my brother Franco walks towards us and says sis, I thought you were going to the restroom? He is obviously covering up for me, then Alonzo tells him, she can go when we get to the studio. He literally yanks me back and takes me to the limo, pushes me in, goes around and gets in on the other side, tells Jacob his driver to take us to the photo studio, which is a ten minute drive, while on our our way, I quietly look out the window, when  suddenly I feel my hair being yanked hard, he makes me look at him and he tells me, you will not finish your studies, you will stay at home and will obey all my commands!  you will follow my rules as they are absolute, if you disrespect me, you will find out what punishment really is. Am I clear?

I look at him and respond yes, he slaps me, says you will respond to me with a "Yes Sir", dare respond to me with just a" yes" again and I will slap the shit out of you! I can see Jacobs face and he seems to feel sorry for me, but stays quiet, Jacob, lets Alonzo know that we have arrived, Jacob comes around to open the door for Alonzo. I open the other side and walk out, Alonzo is already headed to the front door of the studio, Jacob waits for me and opens the door, I walk in and see that that blond woman is there, the photographer comes and asks me to please step into the backroom, he will call me when he is ready for me. I walk, but see the blond woman and Alonzo, kissing and getting ready to take their photos, I sit in the room. I look in the mirror, I see a bruise on my cheek, I act as if I have not seen it.

The photographer comes around 20 minutes later and tells me he is ready for me, he looks at my face with pity on his face, he sees the bruise, he tells me to sit on the stool and smile, he will take some photos of me alone first. while he is doing that Alonzo is sucking face with the blond woman, I can see how this is affecting the photographer, he comes over to me pretending to fix my dress and veil and tells me, I am so sorry, I was not aware of this or else I wouldn't have taken the job, I let him know it's ok, not to worry, 5 minutes later he calls Alonzo. tells him it's his turn, he comes over really angry, sits on the stool while his blond bimbo is behind the photographer making smooching faces and calling him baby, the photographer turns to her and asks her to please move to the side, she is in the way, she moves over across from me, then the photographer tells me I need to step in and sit on the stool, Alonzo needs to put his head on my shoulder and smile, I don't feel like smiling. I have a straight face, then his bimbo says to me "didn't you hear Oscar to smile you swine" Alonzo grabs me by the waist and squeezes my side hard again causing me to wince, I know I will have a bruise, I fake a smile, at this time Oscar tells the Bimbo that for the next pictures she needs to step into the room. he will be taking wide photos, she gets mad and goes into the room. Alonzo doesn't stop pinching me in all our close up photos, Oscar see it but, nothing he can do for the closeups,  then he tells Alonzo, he need to take photos of us a bit more apart, 10 minutes later, we are done, Alonzo goes to get his bimbo. Oscar asks me quick, if he should photoshop the photos to erase the bruise on my face, I said no let his family see what an asshole he really is. He walks away and I start towards the front door. Jacob is already waiting with the door open, he walks to the limo opens the door and I walk in I sit quietly waiting, while Alonzo sucks face with his bimbo in front of the studio, finally after what seems forever, Alonzo finally walks into the limo, I'm looking out window as if I have not seen anything, Jacob asks Alonzo where to sir? He response to the Rugetti Manor where the reception will be held.

photo does not belong to me, credit to the owner. photo from google pics. 

hope you enjoy the book. 

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