The Deception

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The deception:

Lucia is unpacking in her new room, she smiles and remembers about last night.

After John, Maria and Valeria left, she remembered what Alonzo said to her during their dance. Lucia,  I will make sure to take you and make it a rough one, so that you won't be able to walk the next day, her Brother Franco had seen the abuse that Alonzo was causing her, so he asked her to dance, during their dance he asked Lucia, what did Alonzo tell you during your dance? Lucia tells him everything, Franco got very angry, he replied to Lucia, I have a plan make sure to follow through. I will bring out the bottle of Agave that I brought from Mexico its 100% pure alcohol, I will give Alonzo a few shots he will knock out, make sure that when nobody is around, you make a small cut on one of your fingers, then put some blood on his private parts, drop some blood on your bed and since he said he is going to literally torture you, put some between your thighs and pretend that you are having a hard time walking the next morning.

Well I did just as Franco had said and it worked, when Alonzo woke up, he looked at his penis it had blood around it and on the bed, he looks at my bruised up body and see blood between my legs, he is now satisfied that he took my virginity, and left me bruised up, he slaps me hard on my back to wake me up not knowing I was already awake, I cringed as the pain takes over my body, after he hits me, he looks at me and yells at me to "wake the fuck up!  "Get the fuck up and get the fuck out of my room now bitch", I don't ever want to see your fucken face in my room again. if you dare to step in my room, I will make sure you regret ever stepping in my home! I will make sure you know what a punishment really is!

I was in my room trying to figure out where to put some of my personal things, when Maria knocks on my door, I tell her to come in and she looks around and then at me and says, Mrs. Rugetti, Mr. Rugetti would like to speak to you, he is in his study, I look at Maria and tell her to please call me Lucia, I don't wish to be called by that last name, she smiles and says ok Lucia. Maria is such a nice older lady, very polite, she is like a really nice mom, with her salt and pepper hair, brown eyes, and tan color skin.

Since, I don't know my way around yet Maria walks me over to his study, I knock on the door and I can hear his loud sinister voice say "come in" I walk in and stand close to the door, he tells me to sit on the chair in front of his cherry wood desk he is on his laptop, I don't know if he is looking at me, because I refuse to look at him, yet I can feel his cold stare, when I sit, I look up see he is  staring at me with those cold sinister eyes, he finally gets up off his chair behind his desk walks towards me, I have my hands on my lap keeping my head down, suddenly he comes from behind and grabs me by the hair, making me look at him, it hurts but, I don't say anything just let him pull it, I refuse to give him a chance to get more irritated, I listen to what he has to say, then before he lets go of my hair he slaps me really hard across my face. yells at me that's for having to marry such a low life slut like you! I can feel my face burning but, refuse to let the tears come out, he walks toward his chair I'm hoping that's all he is going to do and let me go, but this wanker then pulls out a belt with small metal pieces on it from one of the drawers on the desk, I am scared, I can see and feel the hate he has towards me now, Alonzo stands by my left side, he pulls me up making me stand, when I stand I look at him, by body is trembling, but don't move then suddenly I feel a burning pain on the side of my neck, I feel the belt piece land and feel a trickle of blood, but don't move, Alonzo gets even more angry that I won't cry or move, after each whip.  when he gets tired of all the blows he has given to my legs, thighs, back he tells me to sit down, I look at him he seems to look out of breath and full of anger. I can't sit I tell him, my legs are bleeding and so is my back. (sitting will cause even more pain, but I wont tell him that).

Once he sits down, he looks at me and says well, well, well I guess it will take a bit more to break you, but at least I got the only thing you had going for you, I took the only thing I wanted from you and you will never get it back, and do you know what that is? I look at him as though I am about to cry, even though I know he will beat me again, I call him a fucken asshole, you took my virginity which was not going to be for a dirty asshole like you! as soon as those words came out of my mouth, he let his fury show, he stood up came around his desk again and socked me across the face, as I was falling I seen a shadow of that slut Brenda behind him, then black out.

I woke up back in my room, Maria putting bandages around my back, I could also feel a bandage around my face above my eye. I can't open my left eye, Maria tells me,  "please don't move" I'm on my stomach, I can see another pair of shoes. they don't belong to a woman, I ask who is that next to you Maria? a mans voice speaks.

It's me Ms. Lucia it is me John, I carried you to your room, 

how many hours have I been out?  I ask them

to my surprise Maria and John both answer 2 days, at the same time we are currently changing your bandages. 

This is the first beating I receive from that asshole, so called husband.

I ask them why was I beaten? 

John says apparently you looked at that bitch Brenda the wrong way.

I ask John when did I do that? 

John responds outside the church and at the photo studio. "Oh" is all I can say.

Alonzo is also angry that he had to marry you and not that wench Brenda, says Maria. 

Both, John and Maria tell me to avoid Alonzo and Brenda as much as possible. that wench Brenda will find any excuse to have that bastard Alonzo beat you. 

Short chapter, but hope you enjoyed it.  

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