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I was confused as hell. I had arrived at the West Hotel like Jimin said but nobody was there.

I had made my way up to the top floor where most meetings were held. I checked all the meeting rooms and they were all empty.

I swear, if I came for no reason…

I was thinking of calling Jimin but then I had a thought. I could check outside on the rooftop balcony. It was a somewhat large balcony on this floor that was an area for looking out at the city and such.

I rolled my eyes and started walking towards that area. I didn't think that anyone would be out there but I had to try. I had no other option at this point.

I pushed open the glass door leading to the rooftop and was immediately hit with a cold breeze that made me shiver. 

I scanned through the balcony seeing if anybody was out there. It was a little hard to see as the only lights out there were very dim. 

I got halfway through looking when I finally saw something. It looked like the silhouette of a person. I was startled upon seeing them.

Before I could say anything, they turned around and I think my heart stopped for a moment.

It was...Jungkook?!

What the hell is he doing here?

 My heart started beating fast and I felt a lump form in my throat. Suddenly, he started walking closer to me with a neutral expression on his face.

"Hey Jin," he said.

I just stared at him blankly not knowing what to say or do. 

Author's POV

"What are you doing here?" Jin asked, coldly. He didn't know why Jk was here. He didn't want to talk to him as he endured enough pain yesterday.

"We have to talk," Jungkook said in a serious tone. His eyes looked empathetic but Jin wasn't buying it.

"We've already talked. What else is there to say?" Jin folded his arms. He was frozen in his place out of shock but tried to hide it.

"No Jin, you don't understand. Just let me explain…" 

"Why should I believe anything you say?" Jin said, a little aggressively.

Jk looked down and sighed. He then looked up at Jin again. "You don't have to, but please, just hear me out."

Jin didn't object so Jungkook continued.

"Look, I was ignoring you on purpose but not because I didn't like you anymore or thought that you were uninteresting" Jungkook started.

Jin gave him a curious look, waiting for him to go on.

"I was ignoring you because I didn't want to seem clingy or obsessed. You might think that's stupid but I was just scared of looking that way to you because I didn't want you to not like me anymore. 

But it was also because of my own insecurities that you didn't actually like me in the first place. I thought that if I ignored you I would seem like I had my own life to live and it didn't revolve around you. But I took it too far and when I saw how you actually felt when we talked yesterday, I felt terrible.

Jin, I'm truly sorry. I should've never done that and taken it to the extent I did. Our friendship means a lot to me and I was just scared of losing that. I realized that what I did was messed up and I take full responsibility for my actions.

Jin, you mean a lot to me, like a whole lot. I love you very much and I would hate to imagine the thought of losing you. 

You don't have to forgive me but I just wanted to clear the air."

Jin stared at Jungkook, speechless. He was taking in his words thinking about what to say next.

Jin then walked closer to Jungkook.

"Jungkook, you're insane if you ever think that I don't like you. You're one of my first real friends and I'm definitely not getting tired of you. So when you treated me like that, it broke my heart. I thought you didn't want to be around me anymore."

"I know and I'm really sorry. I promise I'll never make you feel that way again." Jungkook took a deep breath. "And Jin?...." He took Jin's hands. Jin was surprised and looked up at Jungkook. 

"I want to tell you that...I like you, like really like you….I like you more than a friend…" 

Jin widened his eyes in surprise. Is this really happening right now? He's not just imagining things? Did he mishear?

"I've liked you for a while but I didn't say anything because I was afraid of your judgment. It's okay if you don't-"

"I do." Jin said, interrupting Jungkook.

"W- What?" Jungkook was confused.

"I do. I...like you too, Jungkook." Jin gave him a soft closed mouth smile. 

Jungkook shyly looked down, releasing his hands from Jin's. "You mean it?" 

"Of course I do. What? Do you think I'm lying? I've liked you for a while too and was scared as well." Jin said in a sarcastic offended tone. He then put his hand on Jk's shoulder. 

"And Jungkook, thank you for apologizing. Now I know you're not a total screw up" Jin smiled.

"Hey!" Jungkook scoffed. Jin continued laughing softly. 

"I love you," Jin said. 

"Hey, I'm supposed to say that first. I'm the one confessing here." 

"Well too late…" Jin mocked him.

There they were, back to their bickering selves.

Jungkook suddenly pulled Jin by his collar and kissed his lips. Jin was surprised but quickly accepted the kiss. It was slow, steady, and full of love. They moved in sync with each other, kissing a little more deeply as they went.


Never would I have thought that Jungkook would like me as well. I was so happy. 

He kissed me so softly and sweetly. I smiled into the kiss, loving this feeling. 

I was so glad that our feelings were mutual. Jungkook would always make my heart pound whenever he was around me. I loved his presence and feeling of warmth and home.

I pulled out of the kiss and looked at him. He shined so beautifully in the moonlight. 

He reminded me of City Lights. Pretty, glowing, and gave off a relaxing vibe.  

My Citylights…..

The End

A/N: Thank you all for reading this story! I really hope you liked it. I'm sorry if the ending is kinda cheesy but I tried my best.

Don't go away yet because there might be an epilogue?!........😉🤭😃

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