It's complicated - FundyNotFound (F,S)

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I'll try uploading once to twice a day, it just depends on my schedule with schoolwork. Enjoy :D
Top: George
Bottom: Fundy
Kinks: restraint,  and HJ

Fundy's POV

It's been three months since the failed wedding between me and Dream. Life has felt empty, yet I also feel free. Dream was controlling and abusive, and without him I feel so much better. On the other hand, I relied on Dream to care for both of us. I've always had mental problems , and Dream was always there to either push aside those emotions by his constant rambling of how he would finally have control over the server. It was a very complicated relationship. Another complicated relationship I seem to share with another person would be GeorgeNotFound. That colorblind British man was the entire reason my wedding failed. I didn't hate George, but I also wasn't on the best terms with him. George had ruined my wedding for XD's sake, but he also did save me from a fucked up green homeless teletubbie. At first, I did hate George... but now I feel—grateful? Yes, grateful. He ruined a relationship, but to be fair it wasn't a healthy one, so perhaps George was alright. Suddenly I was pulled out of my train of thought as I heard a soft British voice come from behind me," Uh- Hey.. Fundy," said a sheepish George. "Hi," I responded with a rather lack of emotion in my voice. "How have you been?" Asked George. "I've managed," I responded. "I wanted to apologize for the wedding. I have felt guilty for so long about it, I objected because you didn't look very happy up there and at the time it seemed the best excuse to stop it would be to pretend to have romantic feelings towards Dream," George rambled on. "I really never meant to hurt you, I couldn't hurt you because I lik-," he was cut short as a loud Tubbo had run past us seemingly running from something. I instantly understood once I saw a loud British child run after him," GET BACK HERE BITCH BOY! GIVE ME BACK MY DIAMONDS!!!" Tommy yelled at the ram. "NEVER!!!" Tubbo yelled back and continued the game of cat and mouse. "Kids huh?" I retorted to the scene I had just witnessed. "Uh... yeah...," George replied in a sad tone. "Something wrong?" I asked him questioningly. "I wanted to tell you something," George responded. "Alright, then go ahead," I said back to him. George took a deep breathe and said something that sounded like a big jumble of words. "IREALLYLIKEYOUANDSTOPPEDYOURWEDDINGBECUASEYOULOOKEDUPSETANDIREALLYLIKEDYOUANDISTILLLIKEYOU,"He said. I had giggled a bit at the rush of words and how it had all sounded like an ample of words. "Repeat that, but a lot slower," I said in a giggle. " I-I really liked you even before the wedding and I feel that's another reason as to why I objected. I know you don't feel the same and I really do apologize for the inconvenience," George said. I was astonished at the words that came from George's mouth. Never in a million years would I expect GeorgeNotFound to be confessing his feelings for me. Besides when George isn't taking on the role of a wedding crasher , he is a kind person who has an admirable heart and persona. "I do believe your a wonderful person George, and I would like to appreciate your feelings. We could try going on a date if you would be willing?" I asked. "Y-yes, yes, of course!" George exclaimed. It was quite obvious George didn't expect me to return his feelings, but I was willing to try a relationship with a kind person who is full of heart. That someone just happened to be GeorgeNotFound.

One week later.
George's POV

I still can't believe Fundy accepted the date. It was very sudden for me to put him on the spot like that and confess my bottled up feelings to him. Today was the day we had agreed upon for the date. We were going to a mushroom cafe owned by Nihachu. I had suggested the place due to my passionate love of mushrooms. I don't have one of those creepy kinks for objects, I just liked their aesthetic, so don't be weird. :<\

I put on a white hoodie and blue jeans. I wasn't going to overdress or anything, but deep down I didn't want to feel embarrassed for coming underdressed. It would be so embarrassing if Fundy showed up in something elegant, while I lounged in my casual wear. I then decided thinking negatively wasn't the best choice, grabbed my keys, and got into my blue Ferrari. About 20 minutes later I pulled up to the parking lot of the cafe and parked. I saw Fundy at the door of the cafe and walked over. He wasn't overly dressed or anything, but damn did he look good with just a simple white T-shirt and black jeans. "Hey fox boy!" I greeted him with a smile. "Hey mushroom man," he retorted. "Gentlemen first," I said opening the door for him. A small bit of pink spread across his face as he walked in the place. It was gorgeous, with a jungle wood vibe to it. It was beautifully compacted into a small, yet comforting environment. We took a seat and I ordered a coffee, while Fundy ordered a chamomile tea. "Working on any new projects in Kiniko kingdom?" Fundy asked. "Yeah actually, me and Karl are working on building our house," I replied. "Sounds fun," Fundy said back. Nikki brought over our drinks after our small talk concluded and I took a sip of my plain black coffee. "Imagine actually drinking that stuff," Fundy joked. "Hey! I like plain coffee, it's better than 'chameleon' tea," I said. "It's chamomile you uncultured swine," he joked. We laughed and talk for hours on end, until we noticed it was already dark out. "Holy shit, it's already 6:30! The cafe closes in five minutes. It's best we pay and leave now," Fundy said. "Yeah, I really liked this place and the owner is extremely kind," I said. "Nikki is a family friend. I come here all the time. I live right down the road and walked here. Nikki is a friend of my dad's," Fundy said. "I didn't know you lived right here," I said. "Yeah, I come and visit Nikki a lot since it's close to my house," Fundy said back to me. I placed a $10 bill on the table and we walked out. I had a really amazing time with Fundy and there was one more thing I wanted to do before we parted ways. As we walked out, I tapped Fundy on the shoulder and as he looked over to me, I went in for a kiss. Fundy seemed surprised at first, but then kissed back soon after. It turned into a heated kiss as we fought for dominance over the kiss. Eventually I won the battle and slipped my tongue into his mouth. He moaned into the kiss and then I pulled back needing air. We both panted for air from the long heated kiss. Fundy was very flushed, and he looked extremely hot. "Would you like to come back to my place and continue?" I said to him. Fundy blushed a dark shade of red and nodded slowly. We walked to my car and I got into the driver's seat, as Fundy climbed in the passenger's side. The twenty minute ride home was uneventful, and full of only my thoughts of what I would do to the poor little fox. Every thought seemed to be kinkier than the last, and I was getting turned on by the thought of what was going to happen tonight.

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