Part 2 (actual smut) Punz x Fundy

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You can thank @KawaTooru9 for posting

TW: same mentioned in part one.
+master kink
+ whatever the hell is the rest of this.

Fundy's POV~

"Ow!" I yelled as Punz threw me on the bed. "Not so rough!"

"I'll be a lot rougher later, don't worry," Punz smirked.

"Idiot!" I blushed, hiding my face.

"Hmm~ wait here. I'm going to get a couple— toys~," Punz announced.

"No touching yourself, no grinding, and no whining , or I'll punish you," Punz added.

While he was in the closet, I couldn't help but grind against the mattress, it relieved the pressure on my dick.

"Ha~ fuck~" I moaned.

"Hmmm~ naughty furry," Punz scolded."I thought I warned you.. Do you not want to listen to your master?" Punz asked.

I decided to go all in for this. I shook my head 'no'.

"You'll regret that," Punz said dangerously, advancing closer to where I lay, spread out of the bed.

He harshly grabbed my wrists and tied them securely around the bedpost into a complex knot.

He then walked back over to the dresser, grabbing another rope.

He walks back over and ties it around my ankles.

I could completely not move at this point.

Punz opened my drawer right next to the bed and scrimmaged through it.

I figured he would find exactly what I had in there, so I bit my lip in order to prevent any suspicion.

The next thing I knew he had pulled out the metallic vibrator and looked down on me.

"Oooh~ someone likes getting busy." Punz laughed.

"WHA- SHUT UP!!" I whined.

"Hmmm, I don't think I will, but you will." Punz smirked.

"What?" I questioned, confusion evident in my tone.

Punz suddenly ripped off his shirt and used it as a make shift gag, tying it around the back of my head.

"Mmmh f-fffuckmm ymmommum!" I said, muffled by the restriction.

"Don't worry, I will." Punz said, smirking once more.

He crawled onto the bed and shoved the cool metal inside.

"G-gahh!" I moaned out at the pain and pleasure the metal gave. The stretch was burning, but the feeling of being full was pleasurable.

"Now... does there happen to be a remote for this?" Punz a said, moving my gag down in the slightest.

"O-on top of the dresser." I answered.

He moved the gag back up and took the black remote off of the milky white dresser that almost reached halfway of his height.

Suddenly, I felt vibrations running through me, and the pleasure was overwhelming.

"Mmmm hah~" I moaned.

"You're very vocal, hm? Guess that gag doesn't quiet your moans... perfect." Punz commented.

Suddenly the vibration speed picked up and my brain started to blur and not I couldn't even  think straight.

I felt Punz lift me up from the bed slightly, so he could reach the front side of my body. He began to pump my dick up and down, and the sensation of it combined with the vibration was about to send me over.

Fundy ship one shots (includes a lot spicy stuff)Where stories live. Discover now