Hbomdy Fundy x Hbomb (s)

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I don't know who is a good ship anymore, so please give ideas. Also thank you for 200+ reads! 

It's been a bit so I decided to do a smut chapter. Enjoy. 

Top: Fundy

Bottom: Hbomb

TW: master kink, bondage 😳      (I need more ideas for kinks btw)

Hbomb's  POV 

I don't know who is a good ship anymore, so please give ideas. Also thank you for 200+ reads!

It's been a bit so I decided to do a smut chapter. Enjoy.

Top: Fundy

Bottom: Hbomb

TW: master kink (and kitten) , bondage 😳 , the le whip 😳😳 (I need more ideas for kinks btw)

Hbomb's POV

My job was unusual, but I did enjoy it. I worked for a maid industry where we do whatever the customer wants for an entire day. The job paid well, and the customers were usually older people who needed help with chores around the house, or single mothers who needed someone to help around the house due to raising their children alone. Today I was told I would be working for a special client. This guy was supposedly extremely rich and hot. He was the son of the president of L'manberg from what I heard. I also knew he had a difficult love life from all the magazines made about him and his love affairs. He had married the leader of his father's country's greatest enemy, King Dream. Dream had left the wedding with some guy named GeorgeNotFound a second after the marriage was official. I honestly felt pretty bad for him. His own husband had hurt him like that and didn't show much remorse. I would make sure to be extra kind with him than a usual client. I put on my work uniform which was a very comfortable and cute maid-cat outfit. As I've said, the job pays well, so i get out my keys and click the unlock button for my Tesla. I walk out of the lavish building and make my way to my car. I find the white Tesla and open the door and climb inside. I type in ##### ####### st. ###### to Fundy's house and the car starts driving me there. I absolutely love the self-driving car after long work hours so I can sit and relax as the car brings me home.

After about 30 minutes, the car pulls up to a huge white mansion. The White House. Wow. I never thought I would ever be allowed in THE White House, but now I was beyond that. I was doing a job for the president's son. The realization hit me and emotions crashed over me like a wave. I WAS DOING A JOB FOR THE PRESIDENT'S SON! IF I MESS IT UP I COULD GET EXECUTED, OR WORSE EMBARRASSED FOR ALL ETERNITY!

I honestly wanted to get back in my car and go home, until I heard a voice. "Hello? Are you Hbomb?" A confident, tall, and handsome young gentleman said to me. "Y-yes," I stuttered. Out of all the times to stutter, I had to give away the fact I was terrified right in front of my client. "Don't be nervous,I just need someone to talk with for a while," Fundy said to me. "Oh, alright," i breathed. All the nervousness left my body. All I had to do was chat with him for a bit, then I could leave. I couldn't possibly fuck that up... right?

As we made our way inside the White House, a couple of guards eyed me suspiciously. Fundy made sure to explain I was here for cleaning services, and they let me pass. Fundy brought me down a long hall to an oak wood door. It was elegant, just like everything else I had seen. The floors were a beautiful marble everywhere I walked, the walls were a shining white and were so clean you could practically use them as a mirror. All the expensive things reminded me of the seriousness of my job, so I breathed and walked inside the room I had been lead to. "Welcome to my quarters," said Fundy. I gasped in awe. This room was better than any of the other things I had seen out in the hall. There was a huge flat screen TV, an elegant piano in the middle of the room, two bay windows decorated with an ample of pillows, shelves upon shelves of books, chairs that looked fluffier than the clouds themselves, and the bed was huge and luxurious. I could definitely tell his father had money. "Wow...," I said. "It's less amazing when it's the place I've spent 90% of my life," Fundy sighed. I felt pretty bad, spending your life in even the nicest room would eventually get pretty boring. With my job, I'm almost never bored at all the new people I meet.

"So would you like anything cleaned here, sir?" I said. "You can dust the book shelves and chat with me for a bit," Fundy said. "I don't really get to see many people other than my family these days, let alone talk with them."

"I'm sorry to hear about your relationship, sir," I said. "That was extremely stupid," I thought to myself. I instantly grabbed the duster and cleaned the book shelves to ignore my own stupidity. "It's quite alright, Dream has always been a bit disturbed in the head anyways...," Fundy trailed off. "Plus, why worry about him when I have you here right now?" Fundy smirked. "S-SIR!" I yelled, completely embarrassed and taken by surprise. "Please, call me master," Fundy smirked wider. "I'll triple- no quadruple your pay if you spend one night with me."

This made me blush even more. We had just met and he already wants to have sex with me? Suddenly I felt a sharp hand come down on my ass. "Ahh!" I cried out in surprise. "Well?" Fundy asked. "Alright, master~" I replied. Where the fuck did that come from?

I was soon pinned to the book shelf, with my arms above my head. "Wait here a minute," Fundy said, "Alright," I replied. He walked off, and only twenty seconds later, he came back with a pair of hand cuffs. He walked over to me, and cuffed one of my wrists. He grabbed the other end of the cuff, and dragged me to his bed. I was thrown onto his bed where he stripped me off all my clothes. "Much better," Fundy cooed. He grabbed the end of the cuff once again, and brought it behind the bed post. He then grabbed my other wrist, and cuffed it. I now couldn't sit up, or get off the bed. "I'll be right back," Fundy said.

He got off me, and once again left. This man sure was full of surprises. You might even be able to imagine what the shock and fear on my face looked like when I saw he had a whip in hand. He had also carried a bottle of lube. "What is that for?" I said nervously. "In case you misbehave," Fundy said. Oh boy....

Fundy set the whip and lube on the night stand next to the bed, and climbed on top of me. He started kissing down the back of my neck, causing loud moans to escape my lips. "Does this feel that good?" Fundy questioned. "Y-yes, sir," I moaned.

Oh fuck.

"Looks like you messed up, I said to call me master, didn't I?" Fundy said tauntingly. "Yes, master," I replied. I watched as he grabbed the whip from the night stand, and he swiftly got off of me. CRACK! Is the sound it made when the thin black rope had made its move on my ass. "OWW!" I whined. "Shhhh," Fundy soothed. He brought the whip down on me once again, CRACK! It sounded. "OWWWW agh..!" I moaned out. "One more," Fundy coaxed. CRACK! This time he had hit me with such a force, I couldn't help but start sobbing. "Shh shh, it's ok," Fundy comforted. After a minute or two, Fundy stopped comforted me and asked a question ."Do I have your permission to fuck you, kitty-cat?" Fundy asked. "Yes, master," I said back.

"Good, kitten," Fundy said.

Fundy grabbed the lube from the night stand and removed his clothes entirely. He opened the lube's cap, and poured some on his dick. After he was satisfied, he pounded into Hbomb and went rough on the poor small male. "nghh!!!, " I moaned aloud. It hurt a bit, but the hurt was slowly going away as the waves of pleasure crashed over me. I soon felt a hot pool build up in my stomach, until it finally came out. I felt overwhelming please come over me, but the organism didn't stop. Fundy hadn't stopped pouring into me. "Gahhh, p-please n-no m-m-more," I cried. "Can you hold on for just a couple more seconds?" Fundy asked. I nodded, and bared with it. A couple painful seconds later, Fundy finally came. "That was so fucking amazing," Fundy said. "Agreed, but my ass hurts and I'm still chained to your bed," I said. Fundy giggled , and started a conversation. "Would you like to fill the role of my husband?" "Maybe a date first," I replied. "A date it is," Fundy replied. End.


Sorry it was a bit late as well. PLEASE IDEASSSSS

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