Count. FundywasTaken (S) shorter chapter

912 19 12

Bottom: Fundy
Top: Dream
Triggers: yelling, violence, BDSM

I'm sorry at how hilariously bad this chapter is

      Fundy's POV

I was at a party with some people I had never met before. The only person I truly knew there, was 5up. 5up and I have been best friends since first grade, so I was quick to accept his invitation to this party. It was at some guy named Cat's house. Earlier that day,  Dream had explained he didn't want me to go to this very party, but it had been three months since I had seen 5up, so I said I was going to bed early. Yeah... I didn't go to bed. I knew Dream was streaming at the time I left, so he would be distracted for about two hours. It was enough time to see 5up and catch up with him. That would have been the case if I hadn't lost track of time. Me and 5up had gotten drinks and were conversing outside on the front porch. It had been three hours and we had gotten lost in hearing about one another. I was telling 5up about how protective Dream is, but at the same time you gotta love him. He was very supportive of anything I wanted to do, except when I lied to him, when he had only told me no in the first place because he didn't want me going out during Covid. I felt horrible and as 5up was telling me about his experience with Hafu killing him in a round of among us, I looked down at my watch and saw it was 11:30. I have been out an hour since Dream probably stopped streaming. I was so fucked. "Amazing story 5up, but I really have to go, I'm so sorry. I stayed out an hour later than I should have because I was having a lot of fun catching up with you and lost track of time. I hope you have a good night, and we should meet up again soon," I said to 5up. He understood and we parted ways. I got into my car and started the five minute drive home. I was silently praying Dream decided to do an extra long stream, but knowing my luck, he already knew I had went out and was pissed. Finally I pulled up in the same spot in the drive way my car was in before I had left. I nervously got out of the car, and hesitantly put the key in the door. I slowly turned the knob, walk inside only to see......

The living room was empty? Had Dream really had an extra long stream and didn't notice my absence?  I had taken off my shoes, and put them back where they were before, as well as my coat. I then walk to my shared bedroom and open the door. Dream was sitting on the bed with an angry expression on his face. "Welcome home," Dream said in an irritated tone," Have too much fun with 5up you weren't able to keep track of time?" He said. I looked at him with a guilty face. I truly felt bad for behind dishonest and going out during a pandemic. "Drop your pants and boxers and get over my lap. Now!" He shouted.  I was extremely surprised at the words that came from his mouth that I didn't even move a muscle. He seemed to get even more pissed off at that and stood up. He walked over to me and unzipped my jeans and pulled them down along with my boxers in a quick motion. I felt him grab my right wrist, and he sat down. I was thrown over his thighs. Smack! Ow! The man wasted no time in setting his mind to something and quickly carrying it out. "Count," he said in a seductive manner. "No," I said feeling a bit brave. Stupid. He started landing harsh and fast swats across my ass. It hurt like fucking hell. About thirty seconds later and I was almost in tears. "Ok ok ok ok, I'll count," I said in a near-tears voice. "Good boy," he said. He stopped the harsh repetition of the swats and I breathed in and out, glad to be rid of that constant stingin- SMACK! It didn't hurt too bad, but I soon knew it would. "One," I breathed out. SMACK!! This time being even harder than the last, but still being a bearable pain. SMACK!!! "Ten," I cried out loudly. I was now crying and it hurt so fucking badly. "Good job angel, your halfway done," he said to me. Halfway? I was literally going to start begging like a child for it to stop and that was only halfway? Well fuck. He started doing the hard fast swats again. I was now sobbing so hard I couldn't count them. They were too fast to count anyways. Twenty seconds later of me still sobbing begging for it to end, was when I realized this was well past the ten more he promised. "P-p-please s-s-st-t-top, you said t-t-en more," I begged. "Then I guess you know how it feels to be lied to," Dream said as well as picking up the ferocity of the swats.  This pain was being used as a lesson to never lie to him, that smart mother fucker. Now I was sobbing and begging for it to stop more than ever. I feel horrible for the neighbors who have to hear my yelling and pleading right now. Finally after a couple more hits, he finally stops. "May that be a reminder to not lie to me about things like that EVER again. Mk angel?" He questioned. "Y-ye-s," I relied tired and shakily. Good, he smiled and let me get up. I'm never breaking and of his rules again, because I do enjoy the activity of sitting down quite a lot.

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