FundynotXD part 2 (F/A)

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Part 2??
Yes, I have finally posted!!

A continuation to the prior writing.

Slightly under 1000 words, it's like midnight for me, enjoy my lazy work at night lol.

Fundy's POV

The end honestly wasn't that horrible to live in. The only problem is when you have to live in it with a psychopath.

"Hanging in there?" Dream asked while sharpening a sword.

I didn't reply to him and instead tried tugging at the chain, it only rendered useless in the end.

"The chain is made of netherite, and like the last ten thousand other times, it isn't going to snap, Fundy." Dream said, slightly annoyed.

His words only seemed to fuel my actions more as I pulled my arms forward as hard as possible as if that would break the chains.

"Incompetence is futile," Dream chuckled lowly.

He walked over to the other side of the bedroom, the side I was on, and grabbed my chin with his fingers.

"Why would you want to leave so soon, Its? They don't care about you, I'm the only one who does." Dream tried to assure.

"Go fuck yourself, you sick bastard!" I snapped.

Dream definitely didn't like that because he grabbed my chin with an impossibly tight grip, and forced me into a kiss.

"MmmMmm- N-N-no!" I muffled out, attempting to kick him off.

"Lay your filthy hands off of him!" A voice called from the hallway.

It wasn't just any voice, it was the voice of XD.

"The fallen pathetic 'God' returns? Cute." Dream antagonized.

"Not so much as fallen anymore." XD said as his eyes glowed a dark purple, and his wings splayed out as if he was a darkened angel.

"Awww, did you finally prove Georgie's death was an unfair association to your banishment as a God? I'm glad someone can withhold proper judgement up there." Dream mocked once again, eyes glowing bright red once again.

"I've been itching for a fight. But we should take this outside, I can't have you harming Its." Dream said, turning towards the door.

XD seemed to just go along with it and walk after Dream, leaving me chained to the bed.



This mortal was really starting to get on my nerves and it's a shame I need him alive to revive George.

I followed him to the outside of the well-established base in the end, where a city of Ender man flooded the outside.

"How about we strike a deal?" I offered.

Dream clearly showed amusement in that idea and clicked his tongue, as if to say to continue on with what I had to offer.

"If I win this fight, you release Fundy and revive George. But, if I lose... You keep Fundy and I'll transfer you my powers." I offered.

This was a very risky gamble, but I would do it to protect Fundy.

"Hmmm, and how do I know you'll keep to your word?" Dream questioned, clearly interested.

"We swear on a Godly scripture. We write down our terms and conditions and then both sign. Whatever is on there cannot be broken, and if it is... the person who breaks it dies and becomes unrevivable." I answered.

"Alright, pass the scripture." Dream said.

I pulled out the golden paper from my toga and a golden quill.

I carefully wrote out each term to the deal, and signed.

"Your turn." I told Dream sourly, handing over both artifacts.

Dream carefully read over everything written on the front and back of the paper to make sure it wasn't a trick, once he had verified my writing was legit, he signed.

"Let's begin then." I stated, as the contract faded into a big puff of golden smoke.

Dream quickly puked out a netherite sword and lunged at me.

I drew back and pulled out a long katana.

He advanced once again, and he unleashed quick, fast attacks, yet I was able to evade them besides the occasional deep scratch or two.

"Bleeding so soon?" Dream smirked.

I grabbed my katana and whirled it around under his blade, effectively slashing his shoulder.

"G-GAH! YOU FUCKER!" Dream's eyes suddenly changed from red to a light purple, his sword glowed with his eyes, and the sword was now directly into my lower abdomen.

I fell down to the floor, but I wasn't done.

I kicked out his legs, crawled on top of him, and slit his throat with the katana.

Dream respawned and looked pissed.

"Heh... fine. I'll keep my word, but I'll be back!" Dream said, effectively entering his super evil 'I'll get you next time' villain arc.

Dream pulled out his revival book, said George's name, and then lava began to arise around us, Dream burned the book, and then George suddenly appeared.

"GEORGE!!!!!" I cried out in relief.

"Be happy for now, I'll get you back you pathetic waste of—" Dream manger before he was cut off by a brutal stab.

"Shut. The. Fuck. UP!" Fundy yelled, driving the sword deeper into Dream's already wounded, penetrated flesh.

Dream this time wouldn't respawn. This was no bet, this was his final canon life. They say if you love something let it go, but Fundy really turned into the short guy from the Lorax and said (Let it die Let it die!)

In the end, XD became a trusted God once more, George got to sleep 173626272721 hours a day, and Fundy got exactly what he was looking for. A stable lifestyle.

The forever end.

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