Lucid- part 2 (Dream/Fundy)

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Kinda the same trigger warnings as before ig but I swear it's less cringey 😆
And I finally wrote smut so uhmmm prepare yourselves because you're not ready.

When Fundy awoke he noticed that the dark void beneath him was still holding him upright. " Good. That means I haven't lost control over this place while I was asleep," Fundy thought.

Taking in his surroundings, he noticed he was wrapped up in some black cloak and was still restrained.

"What the hell happened last night?" The fox man whispered aloud, albeit confused.

Then the memories hit him like a train.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO?!?" Fundy panicked.

"H-huh... what's wrong..?" Came a tired voice from behind him.

Suddenly, Fundy swung his fist, having been heavily startled. The fist made contact with a mask, snapping it half, and leaving the owner of the voice to reel back in pain.

Turning around, Fundy noticed it was none other than his ex and the memories he just gained back reminded him of who exactly he had been having "fun" with last night.

"What the hell! I just woke up too," Dream complained.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME?!?" Fundy screamed with rage.

"You agreed to it! We made a deal, remember?" Dream said, settling down a bit.

"No no no no no no no no..." Fundy denied.

"Funny, I can't recall you saying no last night," Dream teased.

"FUCK YOU! I am going to get us out of here and you are going to let Tommy free from his exile," Fundy demanded.

"Hmm. I don't know about that. If just anyone broke my mask, they would be dead immediately. I think having not killed you for that repays last night's little... favor," Dream smirked.

" I swear to XD I will snap you in half instead of that damn mask. By the way, you're still stuck here? How do you expect for me to just let you out knowing you plan to go against what we agreed on?" Fundy proclaimed, knowing he had won this argument.

"Always the clever one, hm, It's?" The taller man said, taking a small step towards the fox hybrid.

"Someone in this room has to be," he threw back.

Dream then cut off the distance that Fundy had made between them from his outburst, having walked over while Fundy had taunted him further.

"Well, we have one of two options then, darling," Dream smirked. "We could sit here forever and ever together and enjoy our time, or..."

"Or what?" Fundy questioned.

"We strike a new deal!" Dream said sinisterly.

"Yeah, fuck that," Fundy said, walking to the opposite side of the void.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Dream yelled.

"Out. To see Tommy. I can leave for ten minutes before I lose control over this place. So have fun in the darkness, bitch," Fundy smiled.

"Wait—" Dream called out, but it was too late.

In a cloud of dark smoke, Fundy had vanished.

"Well fuck..." Dream cursed.


"Tommy!!!" Fundy yelled, searching for the eccentric blonde teen.

"F-Fundy?" Came a choked voice of a British child.

Fundy ship one shots (includes a lot spicy stuff)Where stories live. Discover now