Revenge FundyWasTaken/ FundyNotFound (A)

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Requested. I love the plot, instantly decided to write it.
TW: cheating, Dream, violence

Fundy's POV

It was an ordinary, besides the fact I had felt a little sick when I woke. My day all started with me making a cup of coffee, and heading off to the nether to get some gold. I was making a red stone music machine, and needed the gold for the sound it makes when place under a note block. I had also grabbed a netherite pickaxe to do the mining a lot faster. I of course had to wear netherite armor, so I wouldn't get burned by a ghast or shot by a skeleton. Before I went out I had said good bye to Dream, my husband.  He had been a bit distanced from me lately, but I was always trying to make at least a small bit of small talk. He would either ignore me or simply said," sorry, I'm busy," and he would leave the house. I was snapped out of my train of thought as I reached the obsidian portal. It had Ender effects emitting from its core, and the cold dark looking obsidian didn't help it look any friendlier. I never liked going through the portal much. It would always make me feel nauseous and sick. I went threw the bits of nausea, until I finally felt the overwhelming heat of the nether. The armor that had felt snug before, was now making me sweat. It was rather uncomfortable, but a bit of uncomfortableness was better than inevitable death. I got to work looking around for gold nugget ores, until I found a nice chunk of them. I had spent a couple hours mining, until the sickness I had felt earlier was becoming more and more of a distraction. I had about ten blocks worth of gold, and it had been a couple hours since I had been mining. I could head back now. I gathered all my gold, and set out for the portal. I wouldn't miss the hot climate of the nether. Fortunately, I needed to get red stone for the rest of my build, which the materials needed are not located in the nether. I finally made my way back to the portal after about twenty minutes, and walked through the menacing purple glow. I had felt extremely nauseous before, and the effects of the portal made me throw up once I had gotten back to the over world. Was I sick? What could have caused this? Wait... about a month ago me and Dream got a bit intimate, but I don't think that was enough to get me pregnant...right? I would rather be safe than sorry. I walked over to the nearest pharmacy, which was about half an hour's walk away. I walk inside, buy a pregnancy test with some cash I had on me, went to the bathroom and completed the task needed to see the results. It would be a 15 minutes wait before I got the results, and damn was I was anxious.

The fifteen minutes had finally passed, and I looked down at the results.

Holy shit.. I was pregnant.

I took the test and rushed home to Dream. I wasn't sure if he had wanted kids, but I hope he is ready for the responsibility of one.

I finally made it to my house, and I  got out my keys and opened the front door. I didn't see Dream in the living room, so I walked upstairs to our shared bedroom. As I walked down the hall, I could hear noises from the bedroom. I opened the door to see Punz and Dream making out on our bed. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled out. Dream turned around and looked at me with a shocked face. He quickly pushed Punz off and ran over to me. "Fundy love, it's not what it looks like," he said. "BULLSHIT!" I yelled in response. "I'm so sorry, Fundy.." Punz apologized. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, PUNZ!" I yelled at him. Punz looked at the floor and went dead silent. "Fundy, I promise you he meant nothing to me. He just came onto me, and you haven't wanted to do anything sexually with me and I really wanted something new," he said. "SO YOU CHEAT ON ME WITH MY BEST FRIEND?!?" I cried. "Love, please don't see it that way. I love you, I just wanted something a bit new," Dream said. "Oh trust me, you'll be getting something new. We'll see how you like a court trial for our divorce," I spat at him. For the icing on the cake, I threw the pregnancy test at him. He looked at it, picked it up, and had a completely shocked expression. "I-i w-we have a kid?" He said shakily. "I have a kid!" He said happily. "You did have a kid," I corrected. "You're never going to be in MY kid's life. EVER!" I said with venom. "I think I'll leave this for you guys to work out," Punz said. He got up and left. He's lucky. If I wasn't pissed  off enough, I would have ripped his dick off after I killed Dream. "Fundy, please don't leave me," Dream said now on his knees begging. "Good bye, Dream," I said, leaving all my belongings but a phone and charger behind.

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