A chapter and new ship omg?!? Fundz (Punz x Fundy) (s)

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I'm back. Kawatoru... let's just say this is karma 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

TW: smut (duh 🙄)
        Dream being a bitch

~Takes place one week after the Fundywastaken wedding~ 

~Fundy's POV~

"Punz, why would Dream run away with George?" I said in a tired tone. I had no tears to cry at this point.

"I don't know... Fundy," Punz answered.

Punz had been comforting me for the past week, after Dream had ran off during our wedding.

"He isn't worth it, Fundy. I'm sure there are so many others who are much more deserving of you," Punz comforted.

My demeanor shifted from a sad, depressed look, to a bitter-sweet smile. Punz was truly my only friend who bothered to comfort me and check in on me as a regular occurrence.

"How are you still single? I'm sure every single woman in the whole world would want you. You're so caring, forgiving, handsome—" I went until Punz cut me off.

"Stop that!" He giggled.

"It's true," I replied swiftly.

"Also, I'm sure some woman out there simps for me, but it sucks for them that I'm gay," Punz said.

"HOLY SHIT— WHAT?!? I'M YOU'RE BEST FRIEND AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?!?" I yelled, not really meaning for it to sound aggressive.

"Calm down, I was just scared how you would react," Punz confessed.

"You know I'm literally bi. My fiancé was a man, dumbass," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks for making me feel stupid, I promise not to keep secrets like that anymore, k?" Punz bargained.

"I'm still mad at you," I said with a fake annoyed tone.

"I'm sorry, how can I make it up to you?" Punz said in a sappy-apologetic voice.

"Mmm, maybe you could.... OH, I KNOW!!! You have to take a picture with cat ears while you kiss my cat, then post it on Twitter," I said smugly.

"What?!? First off, where would I even get cat ears?" Punz questioned.

"I don't know, Walmart?" I suggested.

"Sure, whatever. If I'm doing this, you have to come along though," Punz said, inquiring I didn't have much of a choice.

"Ugh, you bitch... fineeeee," I grumbled.

"And don't take too long getting ready, you spend like half an hour brushing your hair," Punz joked.

"You aren't funny," I said, walking away to get ready.

~Time skip fifteen minutes~

"Who's the slow one now? I've been waiting for two minutes and 36..37..38 seconds," I smirked.

"First time for everything," Punz said, climbing in into the passenger seat of the car.

I noticed once Punz got in he just kinda stared at me. Then his face went completely red as he analyzed me deeper.

Fundy ship one shots (includes a lot spicy stuff)Where stories live. Discover now