(S) A shocking outcome (Feret) Fundy x Eret

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Plot, ship, and kinks requested by: jit2nuts (amazing name there 👍)

TW: shock collar, overstimulation, degrading, strong language 
(The title is good, ik 😼😼😼)

Fundy's POV

Today was a rather boring day in the castle. There wasn't much to do around here, besides socialize. I would refer to that as a last option.

How exactly did I end up in a castle? Well, long story short, the Pride Kingdom had declared war on L'manburg, and only retreated when my father offered me as tribute. In other words, it was an arranged marriage between me and the king of the Pride Kingdom.

What was this war claiming king's name? King Eret. Yes, the same guy who betrayed L'manburg for power. As hot as his deep voice was- I mean, as enticing as his deep voice is, it could never make up for what he has done against L'manburg.

We rarely ever talk, and the only time we do is when we run into each other in the halls, and a tiny amount of small talk before we go to bed. Yes, I'm forced to sleep in the same bed as him.

I hate so many things about this arrangement, but the thing I would have to say I hate most...was the fact I used to have a crush on him. I still get some jittery feelings and I still get flustered when I see him sometimes.

I hate the fact the man I loved is the same one whom was responsible for betraying my father's country, my first canon death, declaring war in my country, and only backing down when I was handed over to be his toy.

As I walked further along a corridor, I suddenly realize I've made my way to the door of the throne room. Eret would spend a lot of time in that room everyday, doing work. He had strictly warned me to never go in that room while he was working without his permission.

I was bored, but I also didn't want Eret yelling and getting angry at me for breaking one of his rules. But there was the fact he pretty much ruined my life, so I guess that weighs down a lot more.

Against all smart rational decisions, I decided to walk in. I boldly flung open the doors and walked up to Eret's throne.

"What are you doing here? I thought I told you you're not allowed to be in here while I'm working, without permission,"Eret said coldly.

"I was bored," I said, walking up to face him directly.

"What do you want me to do with that information? I'm working, this is your last chance to listen to me," Eret said in an almost terrifying tone.

I was bored, and I had nothing better to do anyways. Besides, I had already went too deep into this to back out now.

"I'm not leaving," I said, sitting on the left arm rest of his throne.

He immediately set his papers down, and grabbed my wrist.

"HUH-mph!" I cried out as I was forced off the throne, and dragged away.

"HEY! UNHAND ME!" I yelled.

"No," Eret said in a deep voice. There was something different about the way he said it... it almost sounded... seductive?

I was forced out of my thoughts, as we came across a grand staircase. My wrist was still in this crude man's grasp, as I was dragged up the stairs.

After a couple stairs I felt like I was about to trip, because of how fast he was walking. As he was dragging me, I didn't have the choice to walk at my own pace.

But, before I could fall, his grip tightened, saving me from falling. I was then practically thrown up the rest of the stairs, and dragged down one of the many corridors that bombarded the interior of the palace.

Finally, we were in front of our bedroom's door.

I honestly had no idea what he planned to do.

The next thing I know, the door was flung inwards, and I was thrown rather harshly onto a comfortable plush mattress.

"Strip," Eret said way too calmly.

HE WANTS ME TO DO WHAT? I eternally screamed. We barely even talk and he wants me to take my clothes off? Now I'm very confused.

"You heard me," Eret replied.

In that moment I went completely blank. Everything Eret had done to me had suddenly cleared from my memory. The younger me whom had once had a crush on Eret wanted to comply. My younger version of me seemed to take over my thoughts, as I actually obeyed.

Why the fuck would I actually cooperate?!?

Before I knew it, I was left in nothing but my own skin.

"Beautiful...," Eret trailed off.

Suddenly, he reached into the drawer of the dresser beside the luxurious bed, and pulled out a dog collar? It seems a remote came with the dog collar. Why would a remote come with a collar? Wait—why does he have a collar?

Before I knew what was happening, the collar was around my neck. What the fuck?

I then felt a sharp pain in my neck, like a shock?

"OW-MPHM!" I cried. It was painful, that made me instantly realize it was a shock color.

"Shhh," was all I got in response.

Suddenly, the pain came over me, and did not go away.

"M-make it stop!" I cried.

"I warned you to not go into the throne room while I was working, but you did just did...," Eret said darkly.

"Do I have your consent to go further?" Eret said.

I simply nodded, too lost in everything to realize what was happening.

"Of course you want it, slut~," Eret said mockingly.

He then reached back into the drawer and brought out something I wouldn't have expected to be in there. I was honestly getting concerned by some of the things he randomly pulled out of that drawer. But the thing he has in his hand... was a vibrator.

The next thing I know, I feel cold medal enter my hole.
"Umph!" I cried out in surprise.

"You're rather vocal, aren't you slut?" Eret teased.

I chose to ignore him. Bad idea. I then felt the vibrator turn on.

I suppressed any sounds from escaping my mouth this time though.

Eret didn't seem happy with that, and when he looked down at the remote I knew what he was planning.

He turned up the intensity to max. I was definitely it expecting that.

"Mmm! Ahh~!" I moaned.

The intensity of it, made me feel that warm pool in my stomach build up. I wanted this, despite everything, I wanted this.

I breathed out as I felt pleasure fill my entire body. The sensation made me moan out louder than I had originally.

"Did you think that would be all, slut?" Eret said.

That's when I realized the vibrator was still inside me, moving.

"Ahhhh~ n-no~more!" I screamed.

After a couple minutes, he finally turned it off.

"Don't enter the throne room while I'm busy next time, k?" Eret asked.

I nodded.

Deep down I knew I'd do it again just to piss him off.
Sorry it took so long to come out, and that it's a bit lazy.

Fundy ship one shots (includes a lot spicy stuff)Where stories live. Discover now