Chapter 1: Encounter

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The sun had just begun to set on the town of Sanctuary when the crackle of autumn leaves on the ground began to sound off the presence of a large creature. A young white dragon is making his way through the forest just outside the town as he swings his head back and forth as if searching for something. He stops with his ears pointed.

Did I just hear something ? The dragon begins wondering as he strains his ears with the intent of catching any little sound that might indicate a scavenger is nearby. I'm usually way more cool about this whole stealth thing, so why am I bumbling about the forest like some inane child right now? Come on Winter! Focus! Despite his best efforts, his mind once again begins racing to places that his thoughts have been taking him the past couple days.

Five days ago, Winter had received a letter from Jade Mountain Academy finalizing his acceptance back into the academy halls, signed by the headmistress and Winter's former teacher herself, Tsunami. I can finally go back . Kinkajou, Turtle, Peril, Qibli,... and Moon . The thought of getting to see all his friends again had filled Winter with a nervous excitement he had never felt before in his life.

It wasn't a good feeling, but it wasn't necessarily a bad feeling either. It just kind of made him feel... anxious? Winter himself still couldn't quite grasp the intent of these feelings, but what he did know was that he was happy. He missed them so much. Not too long ago, Winter was intent on not befriending any of the dragons from his former winglet. But that was the past. The Winter now no longer believed that IceWings were a superior dragon tribe, nor did he believe that dragons had innate status that decided their worth to society.

Slowly but surely Winter believed that he was becoming a more kind hearted dragon. But every now and then he would remember the many times he yelled at Moon, the times he ignored other dragons who wanted to befriend him, and the many times he said cruel words to his friend Qibli.

While the leaves continued to sway in the gentle autumn breeze, Winter let out a sigh as he realized that it might be a long time before he can get over his past misgivings. Even after his friends had all forgiven him, and continued to show their appreciation of him. The pervasive thoughts always made it back into his mind. Especially when he was alone like he was now.

Winter began to move swiftly through the forest brush as he peered for signs of scavengers. Why did he have to make such a dumb offer. Coming all the way out here to help me gather my belongings! And on such short notice! Although I guess that's better than Kinkajou jumping out of a bush with not so much as a hint that she would come and visit. Why must my friends be so... insistent?

Winter unknowingly let out a faint smile as he continued to think about his friend's willingness to visit him in his soon to be former home. Not but a day had passed after he received his letter of readmission to Jade Mountain Academy that he had received another letter, this time from his former claw-mate and current best friend, Qibli.

Hey Winter! Guess who's coming over to help pack your stuff?

Bet you're dying to see me again, huh bud? Well, it just so happens that I got some free time the day before your readmittance, so make sure you have a hug ready for me when I get to Sanctuary. And sorry for the short letter. I made sure to save all my juiciest thoughts for in person.

Sincerely Your Best Friend in all of Pyrrhia, Qibli.

The day Qibli would visit was close by. Winter's readmittance was scheduled to be two days from now, which means Qibli would be visiting tomorrow.

Annoying SandWing. Like I need help packing my own belongings! How much stuff does he think I brought with me to Sanctuary anyways? If he wanted to hang out then he should have just said so . Despite Winter's annoyance, thinking about Qibli visiting actually made him somewhat spirited.

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