Chapter 2: Nightmare

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A chill air roared vigorously across a grassy shoreline located in the coastal territory between the Sand Kingdom and the Ice Kingdom. No sun could be seen as the sky was colored a dull gray with clouds, while waves crashed against rocks nearby. Beneath the roaring wind lay an air of unease as many dragons gathered across the grassy shoreline. Within the group of dragons lay the young adult figures of a SandWing, a NightWing, and an IceWing as they clustered close together in conversation.

"Thanks again for coming to see us off, Winter." The NightWing said sweetly while also trying to overpower the sound of the wind and waves.

"Yeah! Really means a lot!" The SandWing said while offering a confident grin.

This was the day Qibli and Moon had left together on a dangerous journey. The day a squad of dragons had embarked from the land of Pyrrhia to a foreign continent known as Pantala. Their goal was to stop a being known as The Other-Mind. Something so dangerous that all the dragon tribes had decided to band together in order to stop it. It wasn't something Winter had understood well, but he knew whatever was happening had put the lives of his two best friends into immediate danger. Two of the ten dragons chosen for the squad were Moonwatcher and Qibli.

Why Moon? Why Qibli? Why not me...? Winter pondered this question grimly ever since he had received the news from Queen Snowfall that her chosen dragon for the mission would be Lynx. This didn't surprise Winter. After all, why would Queen Snowfall choose to send a fallen prince on such an important job. However, when Winter had learned that Moon and Qibli were to be going on the mission representing their tribes, he grew a hollow feeling.

The idea that his two best friends would leave to an unknown and perilous land filled him with such utter dread that it made him nauseous whenever he thought about it. Ever since meeting them, Winter had only grown to care for these two dragons more and more as time went on. And the idea of something terrible happening to one of them, or both of them, was something Winter wasn't sure he could handle.

He was already heartbroken. He was already lonely. But Moon and Qibli were his pillars. The only things keeping him from being crushed under the weight of his own insecurities. And yet, they were partly to blame for Winter having such troublesome thoughts.

He wanted to hate Moon for rejecting his romantic feelings, but he still loved her. He wanted to despise Qibli for winning Moon's affection, but only positive feelings formed whenever he thought of him. These two dragons had succeeded in both crushing him, and allowing him to feel whole. He didn't want to admit it, but they were his world now.

And now his world was abandoning him yet again.

Although struggling to speak, Winter managed to get some words out. "Seeing you two off was the least I could do."

Moon and Qibli's expressions were both solemn despite their smiles. "Winter..." Qibli muttered before walking up to the tired IceWing, and resting his chin over the other males head. "I told you, you don't have to worry. Me and Moon will be fine. I mean, I'd be too embarrassed to be done in by a plant anyways." The SandWing then chuckled while attempting to alleviate the tense mood.

"Qiblis right. We're not going alone. We have all these capable dragons coming with us. And I'm sure we'll all make it back." Moon said while gesturing towards the many other groups of dragons around them. Moon had said these words before, yet Winter couldn't help but feel she didn't completely believe them herself. She was scared too. They all are.

Around them, other dragons were saying their farewells to the ones being sent onto the mission. Among them, Winter recognized Lynx hugging her parents, as well as Tsunami laughing confidently as the other dragonets of destiny huddled close to her. He didn't want to lose those two either.

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