Chapter 11: For Narwhal

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"MOON!" Winter yelled as he lunged his body forward without a second thought. His target was the large blue mech that stood before him, and his goal was to save Moonwatcher from the creature's iron grip.

The IceWing darted through the air like a bullet straight at the mech. However, the mech must have anticipated Winter as it lifted it's free arm and opened the palm of its hand. Before Winter could reach it, about five metal ropes shot out from the mech's hand to meet Winter's assault. Before he could dodge, the wires hit Winter. Each one apparently had a metal hook on its end that cut into Winter and dug themselves into him.

"Gahhhh!" The IceWing dragonet cried in pain as his body was impaled by the several metal piercings. One latched onto a wing, one onto his left forearm, and the other three into his abdominal area.

Winter! No! Lunae shouted as the mech leaned back and began to pull Winter around using the grappling wires. It flung the wires back, and then with a mighty thrust, it whipped a large nearby tree with the wires while Winter was still attached. The force of the attack shocked Winter as the tree he hit was shattered into dust and splinters. The wires then detached themselves as the mech withdrew them back into its hand.

Winter laid in the wreckage as he vomited blood onto himself and attempted to take deep breaths.

What... just happened? The pain was so surprising and the attack was so humiliating that it made the IceWing wish for nothing more than to cry.

Lunae answered him with hidden rage behind his calm voice. I thought I had instructed you to never charge at an enemy like that? Especially one that is clearly not a basic enemy soldier.

Tears uncontrollably ran down the IceWing's face as he tried to stand up over the wooden mess. I'm sorry... but it has Moon. I just... wanted to help.

Winter thought he could feel Lunae's emotions simmer down as the scavenger began to talk to him more gently. I understand your friend is in danger, but I can't afford to lose you.

The mech stood in the same position it had been in before. Moon continued to struggle as she was slowly becoming tired from the enemy's hold on her. She must have seen Winter charge in and get directly hit. "Winter..." She muttered from afar. All the while, the blue mech continued to stand still. Its face staring directly at the spot Winter had crashed at.

This thing is named Kraken, and as you may have already guessed, it is one of the five mech generals. It's main ability is to shoot grappling hooks from its hand. They can dig into flesh and steel alike, and can be used to forcibly drag enemies into alternate positions while also causing them to take damage. Lunae paused for a moment. It may be one of the strongest mechs ever created.

Winter was finally starting to collect himself as he rubbed the tears off his face. Shit! Are you telling me that we're going to have to face two of the generals at the same time? Is it even possible to win?

With enough patience, I'm sure.

Winter looked around to take in the environment. Many NightWing's had already abandoned the village, while several others stood their ground around the borders of the village's walls with spears in hand. Thankfully, Winter also noticed that there were only a few dead bodies lying on the floor. Meaning that the mech hadn't been here long enough to cause another massive tragedy. However, what was most strange of all was the fact that there were actually no other enemy presences that Winter was able to make out.

Did this thing come into the village alone? Winter couldn't help but wonder whether or not there were potential enemy soldiers wandering around in wait.

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