Chapter 17: Castle of Sorrow

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                    ~ Qibli POV ~

The wind blew restlessly as Qibli paced around the cold halls of the decrepit castle that sat on Mallet Island. The stone walls were cool and dusty, while the floor was messily covered in cobwebs and what remained of old tattered carpets. The faint echo of Qibli's talons could be heard as he ventured through alone in the dark. His only company was the rays of moonlight that occasionally shot itself through cracks, holes, and windows.

Three moons! Where is he? This place looked a lot smaller on the outside. Qibli thought while glancing around with worried eyes. He began to blow a small puff of fire from his mouth so that he could see better. Winter... I hope you're alright.

Qibli had guessed it was currently around two hours past midnight judging by how the moons were placed when he looked out an earlier window. Just four hours ago Darkstalker had been reawakened into the world before he swiftly took out two mechs and then flew off with the Prime Field Device known as Solis. Shortly after, Qibli and his friends buried Hope who had previously been mortally wounded by a mind controlled Darkstalker. The dragons sat vigil over her grave for only a short amount of time due to the late hours, as well as Kinkajou slipping back into unconsciousness due to exhaustion.

Kinkajou... Why did you have to get hit by one of those blasted missiles? Thank the moon's Turtle had his healing stone with him. And what in Pyrrhia am I supposed to do about Moon and Winter? I don't think I've ever seen those two so depressed before. Why did Hope have to fly straight at Darkstalker like that? And what are we supposed to do now that Darkstalker is flying around again? Is he still just as evil as he was before? If only I had that hourglass with me, I'd be able to tell. Although, maybe Hope's last words changed something about him? He didn't necessarily look like he wanted to rip my guts out when he glanced at me, or anything. Was he indifferent about the whole strawberry thing? Sad? Betrayed? Or was he secretly disguising malice behind those red eyes of his?

Qibli thought, and thought, and thought as he continued his wonder through the hall. After the burial, they had all decided to go and try to get some rest underneath the shelter of the abandoned castle that Turtle mentioned was built by SkyWings. Kinkajou and Turtle fell asleep quickly, but Moon looked like she was tossing and turning a lot as she laid down. Qibli knew that she was prone to nightmares, so he couldn't help but watch her as she slept. It was difficult not too since they all decided to huddle themselves in what looked like a master's bed chamber.

And then there was Winter. Winter had seemingly shut himself off ever since Lunae had shown himself and said all that stuff about what he was and what the mechs actually were. His eyes grew empty, and every one of his movements had grown stiff. He also didn't sleep. Instead, the poor IceWing just sat down across from everyone as he looked blankly at the floor. Qibli had tried his best to comfort his boyfriend, but nothing he did seemed to rouse any emotions in him. Hugs, pats, smiles, soothing words. Qibli thought he needed to do something. Like there was some magic word or action that might be able to ease the poor dragon's heart. But another part of Qibli also wondered if Winter just needed time to think to himself.

But is that ok? Should I just leave him alone to think? Maybe not? I know what it's like to be left alone with your thoughts, and it is not pretty. Ahh! Winter! Where in Pyrrhia did you wander off too!?

Between keeping an eye on Moon and Winter during the night, Qibli at some point dozed off and fell asleep for an hour. When he woke, Moon was finally sound asleep as she huddled next to Kinkajou and Turtle. But Winter was gone. When Qibli noticed this, he immediately got up to go look for him. And now he wandered the halls with nothing else but his usual buzzing thoughts.

Lunae! This is all his fault! I mean, it has to be! Can we trust... whatever the hell he even is? Prime Field Device? Artificial being? Does that mean he was originally an empty shell made to be controlled just like those mechs? And was there really that many scavengers in that flying ship? Why should we trust his word? Why would he be so vengeful towards the mech piloting scavengers? And are all scavengers his enemy? Or just the ones that have been piloting the mechs?

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