Chapter 13: Dark Colors

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Trigger Warning: This chapter mentions the act of sexual abuse against a child. None of it is depicted or described in detail. Please skip to the first line break in the chapter if this warning may apply to you.

Lunae had just finished explaining to the group how Kraken will most likely be heading to a small island located just east of where the Diamond Spray Delta meets the ocean. Everyone was spreading their wings to the sky now, except for Moon. Before Winter managed to take off in flight, she placed a talon on his shoulder and whispered to him a question. "Mind staying behind for a moment?"

"Moon? What's wrong?" Winter said while eyeing her uncomfortable expression.

Qibli must have heard as he flew back down next to the two. "Moon? Want me to give you two some space, or..."

"No. It's alright." Moon answered her. "I don't mind you hearing this either. It's just not something I wanted everyone to hear."

Winter couldn't help but look a bit worried now. "What is it?"

"It's just... about Niji. I can't help but wonder why he was taken too? By the mechs I mean."

Qibli scratched his head with a claw before answering. "Well, maybe they couldn't tell which one was Peacemaker. I mean, they are both dark colored RainWing dragonets after all."

"Yeah." Replied Moon. "That's what I figured too. Poor Niji."

Winter stayed silent while Qibli continued to respond to Moon. "Now that I think about it, why are Niji's scales always dark gray like that? I don't think anyone ever told me." Winter also wondered the same thing back when he and Moon were both waiting for the others to return from the RainWing village.

Moon looked up at the two with a sad expression. "I don't see any reason not to tell you. We're all practically adults after all."

"Moon...?" Winter said softly.

"Nobody is exactly sure why, but we think it was due to a traumatic experience Niji had not too long ago. He... told some of the RainWing caretakers that he was inappropriately handled by an adult one night. And... many of us think... he was sexually assaulted by said adult." Winter and Qibli both looked at Moon with distressed expressions before she continued. "We think... The reason his scales are dark gray is because he was trying to hide from his assaulter. Maybe he thought that the fowl dragon who hurt him would stop if Niji blended himself into the darkness of the night."

Qibli grit his teeth before interrupting. "Please tell me someone caught the scumbag who did this?"

"I'm sorry, but... we're unsure of who could have hurt him. Niji said the dragon had shadowy scales, but it was too dark for him to tell. Even worse, we can't even narrow the assault down to being a NightWing considering how RainWing's have the ability to change scale color." Moon shook her head as she thought about this. "But poor Niji...we've all been trying so hard to make the little dragon feel safe. That's why Hope has been taking care of him so much lately. The only times we see Niji smile is when he's with Peacemaker." Moon was now beginning to tear up a little. "Poor Hope must feel utterly heartbroken right now! She's been trying so hard to give Niji a happy home. We h-have to find them-"

Qibli rested a comforting talon on Moon's head. "Don't worry Moon. I promise we'll get them back." Qibli's eyes blazed with confidence. "And please, don't blame yourself for the children's capture. Either of you!"

Winter thought Qibli might have been reading his mind for a second as he was beginning to feel just as guilty as ever over the two dragonets capture. "I...know. The least we can do is go to them. Those children deserve to live long and happy lives."

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