Chapter 6: Under The Stars

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Two male dragons flew across a dull sky. Both soared over mountains and hills as their wings fought against strong winds. Their scales darkened by the clouds above. They carried on despite the creeping exhaustion they both felt. Every now and then one of the dragons, Winter, would falter a bit. But the other dragon, Qibli, would always stop momentarily to make sure his flying companion would be able to pull through.

They both knew that the estimated flight time between Sanctuary and Jade Mountain was about four hours without break, but that didn't matter to them. Winter knew that every second mattered. However, Winter couldn't help but notice the expression Qibli made every time he looked back at him. He's worried if I'll slow him down. Am I wasting time flying like this...?

Winter then heard the familiar voice of Lunae sigh. You really are a glass-half-empty kind of dragon, aren't you?

Wha-what is that supposed to mean? Winter thought hotly.

Just that having to listen to your thoughts all the time is kind of depressing. Lunae said dryly. I think it would probably be more helpful if you assumed Qibli was simply worried about you rather than think you're inconveniencing him.

Winter didn't want to admit it, but he liked Lunae's interpretation more. And what do you know? Can you read other dragons' minds too? He thought sarcastically.

Heh. If only. Sadly, my assumption is simply based on your friend's sorrowful gaze. I think the yellow dragon thinks a lot, and probably to his own detriment.

You... think so? Winter replied to Lunae curiously. You think Qibli is sad?

Maybe. It would probably help if you asked him. I think I would enjoy an answer as well.

Why would you care? I didn't take you for the nosy type.

I suppose the boredom of this long flight is getting to me. Now hurry on! Ask away. Winter wasn't sure why, but he imagined Lunae smiling while saying this.

I'm not asking Qibli why he looks sad! And please, learn to mind your own business! Winter bared his teeth a little in annoyance of the voice in his head.

"Uh, Winter?" Qibli's voice sounded next to him. "Is Lunae saying something?"

Now is your chance to ask! Winter heard Lunae chime in as Qibli spoke to the IceWing.

I said I'm not asking him that! Winter thought before speaking to Qibli. "Uh, no! He's not saying anything important, really." Winter's face dropped a little with embarrassment.

"Well, if there's anything you want to talk about, I'll listen." The SandWing started smiling as he noticed the IceWing's sheepish demeanor. I mean we got a long flight ahead of us, so why not?"

Winter blushed a little, and glanced away from Qibli. I can't believe I'm doing this! "Um... Lunae said he thought you looked sad." Winter then turned back to face his friend again. "But don't mind him. I've recently learned that he likes over-stepping boundaries apparently."

Qibli looked at Winter a little surprised. "I... guess he might not be completely wrong."

Winter responded thoughtfully. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." Winter was raised to avoid speaking about personal emotions. It was only natural for him to respond this way.

"Nah. It's fine. Might do me some good to get it off my chest actually. Well, if you want to listen, that is." Qibli smiled faintly while continuing to match his flying pace with Winters. "I don't want to bore you, or anything."

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