Chapter 7: The Stalwart

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Winter woke up fairly early in the morning, as he lay down on a cool stone floor. After cracking his eyes open, he realized he was still underneath Qibli's wing, and was currently cuddling up to the SandWing's chest. Qibli himself was snoring away while he laid his head over Winters.

Winter immediately became flushed with embarrassment when he remembered the events of last night. What? What am I doing!? Qibli... kissed me! And now we're cuddling!? Three moons! What have I done!?

Calm down! Winter heard Lunae try to speak over his erratic thoughts. Please! I can't tell if you're mortified, elated, or some bizarre mix of both.

Well sorry! Winter apologized sarcastically in his head. It's not exactly everyday I wake up cuddling with my best friend who I have a crush on!

I don't understand the big deal. If you have a crush on him then isn't this a good thing?

Of course not! What if this just complicates things between us? What if he kissed me because he was tired and wasn't thinking straight!? What if he meant it, and wants to start a relationship now?

Lunae responded with a confused tone. I... don't follow. What exactly about relationships are so complicated?

This made Winter vibrate a little with temper. ARE YOU SERIOUS!? HOW ARE RELATIONSHIPS NOT COMPLICATED!?

Listen. I can't say I'm an individual who is particularly interested in romance. However, after sharing your thoughts for some time now, I think it's fairly safe to say that you want to date this dragon. So I am simply confused why you are suggesting dating him would be bad.

I... don't necessarily think it would be bad. I just... it's hard not to freak out a little. Winter then began to calm down as he thought about Lunae's words. But you're right. I do want to date him! I never dated anyone before, so what if he ends up liking me less? Besides, you must have been uncomfortable when me and him... you know... kissed last night.

Not particularly. Lunae answered nonchalantly. It was actually refreshing listening to you have positive thoughts for once.

You sound a lot like a creep right now. I hope you know that. Winter thought with sass directed at the scavenger.

Just then, Winter started to feel Qibli stir a little as the SandWing let out a massive yawn. He then blinked open his eyes, only to be greeted by the shy gaze of his fellow clawmate. Their snouts booped each other slightly as they faced each other. The two dragons lied underneath soft rays of morning light that beamed from the window they slept in front of.

Qibli's face turned crimson before he started to smile sweetly. "Morning clawmate."

Winter's heart beat started to pick up a little as a response. Three moons! He's... perfect! "Uh. Good m-morning Qibli." Winter whispered shyly as he stammered his words a little. Winter suddenly felt daring, and decided to grace the blushing SandWing with a soft peck on the lips. He realized how exhilarated he felt whenever his lips met Qibli's. And now the shy IceWing was also smiling as he took in the glow that radiated from Qibli's face as a result of the quick kiss.

Qibli grinned and nuzzled his snout across Winter's cheek before getting up from his sleeping position and stretching. Winter couldn't help but feel a little disappointed with how short their cuddle session lasted. At least until he realized that they had in fact been cuddling in some random hallway in the academy.

"Eep!" Winter got up and tried to make himself look distinguished in case some random student or teacher walked into their line of sight.

"Chill out Win. I don't think anyone's walking around the halls this early." Qibli said confidently. "It looks like the sun just started breaking over the horizon."

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