Chapter 15: Unconscious

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Winter still remembered the day Darkstalker had waged war against the IceWings. He remembered the blood and the shouting, his fathers lifeless corpse, and the torrent of emotions he felt when he thought of all the enemies and allies in the battlefield. It was sudden, but Winter clearly remembered seeing through the minds of every dragon on the battlefield that day. Every thought had tore into him until he believed that he would break at any moment. But strangest of all was how bizarrely comforting the pool of thoughts was. He felt as if he didn't have to fight anymore. After all, his enemies were now the same as him. Scared, angry, and fighting for a future they had believed to be just. And most thankful of all was his enemies' shared willingness to lay down their arms and give up the battle. There was no more will to fight after that event.

And yet, Winter still regrets what happened after. He and all of the other IceWings and NightWings were teleported back to their homes. He was no longer with his friends despite how strongly he wished to share his new feelings with them. At that moment he was ready to tell them anything. He was ready to admit his past cruel actions, to admit his incorrect worldview that centered around hate, and maybe even admit his feelings that he had for Moon at that time.

But the chance was gone. He continued to be a changed dragon, but the powerful surge of confidence soon faded. And worst of all, his friends had refused to tell him about what had happened with Darkstalker. It was as if the very world itself had decided that he just wasn't good enough to have feelings. After all, he was just another cruel IceWing. Maybe the world was right. Maybe he deserved to be punished like this.

Especially now, as he watched the looming form of Darkstalker as he hovered in front of him and his friends. His horrid red eyes staring directly at his mother who was currently flying in front of him, pleading. "Darkstalker! Please! It's me? Your dear mother, Foeslayer!"

The evil animus dragon continued to stare at her with blank eyes.

"Please, my son! Please respond to me!" Hope continued to beg as tears welled up from her eyes.

Winter couldn't bear to watch her. To him, it looked as if she was wailing her heart out to a ghost. He decided to call out to her. "Hope! You have to stay away from him! We don't know to what effect the mechs have control of him!"

"I refuse!" The NightWing mother cried. "I need to bring my son Darkstalker back! I need to bring Peacemaker back!" She then got slightly closer to the huge NightWing's chest while she stretched her arms out for a hug. "Please Darkstalker! I know you're stronger than this! I know it because I've seen how strong your will is. Your ambition, your drive. So please, please listen to me."

Winter thought he saw Darkstalker's eyes twitch slightly before he suddenly stretched out one of his talons towards his mother at an insane speed. He caught her in midair by her abdominal area while he flexed his other talons claws.

"No Darkstalker!" Moon cried from behind Winter. "Please stop this!"

But Moon's plea was too late. Darkstalker had used his free talon to grip Hope's left leg as he quickly tore it off of her body without even an inch of hesitation.

Winter cringed as he heard Hope scream in pure and utter agony from the pain of having a limb violently ripped off. Blood fell from the air as Darkstalker casually dropped the leg he had just tore off of her, and watched her with cold eyes.

Winter wanted to fly in and do something, but fear held him back. Qibli flew up to Winter in calculated horror as Moon, Kinkajou, and Turtle watched the events transpire in astonishment.

"Dark...stalker..." Hope muttered through pained breaths as she coughed up blood onto herself.

The massive dragon then lifted her up, and then threw her down to the floor with a tremendous force. Hope crashed to the ground as blood and dust clouded the air around her.

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