Truancy {Jungwon + Niki}

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After I upload the two chapters I already have on them, I'll start writing new ones, don't worry!

TW: Descriptive panic attacks and strong language.

Love ya bunches 🎄

June 19th, 2021

// Third POV //

It's been a while since Jungwon has had an out-of-body experience like this.

He remembered the times as a trainee when he, Sunghoon, and a couple of other BigHit trainees would leave the dorms after training and go to a horror movie. Sunghoon has a passion for horror movies. He enjoyed movies in general but horror was his genre. It felt like a second home to him, the cinema.

Jungwon would stare at the hyung while he told him this and just think what nonsense.

You can't feel at home in places that you don't even live at. That was simply just imaginary.

But overtime, Jungwon envied that about Sunghoon. That his hyung had a place where he felt totally held, that he could come to when he was lost or burned out.

What a sense of security that must feel like.

It's not like Jungwon has never had that. There are times with his members where he sits back and thinks: now this, this feels like home.

There were days, however, where Jungwon would think, this life was not made for me.

His I-Land days felt like a dream within a dream. He never slept, only danced until his body literally fell to the ground.

Jungwon made the biggest mistake when he told his parents and older sister to watch I-Land.

They called him, in tears, asking why he doesn't just quit.

At the time, Jungwon was offended that his family didn't believe in him. Yet come to find out when they debuted that the three of them were absolutely right.

Heeseung had to tell the members what happened, otherwise none of them would think it actually occurred.

He was at the recording studio taking vocal lessons when Enhypen's manager called him.

"Hyung? Hyung, what's wrong?" Heeseung demanded after about five minutes of nobody on the other side talking.

"Heeseung...." The man's voice was unstable, shaking. This was a manager who never even smiled or laughed, never cried and never ever showed any emotions to the kids. "...I don't know how to tell you this."

The way Heeseung's knees hit the floor at that statement could have been mistaken for a gunshot.

Oh god...if it was his parents or his older brother or one of the members..

Just then, a blaring echo of an extreme, thunderous shriek filled his eardrums. Somebody on the other side of the phone was having some type of attack.

His manager told him to come to Jungwon's school immediately.

Heeseung bolted to the leader's high school. The scene he walked in on still haunts him to this day.

Jungwon was in the nurse's office. The adults were all lined up against the entrance, frightened at the sight of the rookie idol.

At first, Heeseung was pissed at his manager and the nurse for not helping his second maknae but as soon as he drew closer to the teenager, he knew the exact reason why they didn't.

Jungwon was emotionally and physically falling apart. His whole uniform was soaked in sweat. He was slamming his head against the wall while his two hands were forcefully pulling on his hair, successfully ripping out the strands attached to his skull.

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