True Crime {Jake}

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It feels like a while since I've updated on here but in reality it's probably only been a few weeks lol hope you guys like this chapter, I'll edit it later so I apologize for the grammar and spelling errors, if any. Thank you all so much for reading, i really really do appreciate it and love you for it! Have a great day!

Love ya bunches ❄️

// Third POV //

There aren't any Amber alerts in South Korea.

There isn't even an equivalent to that alarm, nothing to really get the Korean citizens out and looking around for a missing child or teenager.

Social media has proven to be our friend for a number of years; no matter how many shitty people there are on platforms, good people are out there. And they want to help.

Heeseung was lucky to get home when he did. He couldn't image how Jay or Sunghoon would have reacted without his presence.

Honestly, Heeseung had no idea what to do.

The teenagers have snuck out in the past, even Heeseung, but the difference was is that they always come back within a day or night. 12 hours at the maximum.

All of them remembered where they were the night it happened.

Jake and Jay had a fight that afternoon. It was messy and it was left unresolved. Jay said he'd see him at practice in a few hours; Jay told the police officer that Jake was the only member of the group who never held a grudge after a fight. They were brothers and their fights, while upsetting at the time, was always brushed under the rug and they were back to normal after a few minutes apart.

Jay got to the company at eight. He told the oldest about the fight, Heeseung calmed Jay down and the six of them waited for Jake to walk through the door.

The one thing Jake was famous for was this:

He was never late.

He was about as reliable as they came. Jake took his work very seriously, even in I-LAND he was punctual.

It was normal for a human to be two maybe five minutes late. It was still unusual for Jake but not unheard of.

At around the fifteen minute mark, Heeseung started expressing his concern.

He blew up Jake's phone but the kid never called or texted back.


Heeseung was keeping his calm nature for the members but after thirty minutes past, then forty-five, then sixty, he allowed himself to freak out and show how repressed his anxious state was.

Their staff members checked inside their dorm, called out Jake's name, searched everywhere, and nothing.

Heeseung almost blew up at the staff.

What do you mean that you found nothing?!

He was respectful but for the love of God, a fire burned inside his chest. It's like the staff thought the kids were insane for even being worried.

Things didn't get any better when the police showed up.

When the older gentleman had the nerve of suggesting that Jake had just skipped practice, all six of them were offended at the heinous jab at Jake's character.

Heeseung understood he was just doing his job; The officer had nice eyes, he really did seem alarmed and made the impression that he wanted to help and find Jake, but even the members could admit that there was no evidence.

The members called everyone they knew. They called everyone under the sun. TXT, BTS, Jake's brother. None of them had answers but all made it clear that they were to help.

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