Blue Bunny {Jay + Jake}

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// Third POV //


It was no secret that Jake and Jay were born from rich parents.

Their lives, regardless to how different their roots were, had become interconnected by this fact.

Both of them, born into wealth, knew only of rich struggles. Jay was the son of a CEO, a patient and happy man whose personality exceeded any amount of money. The young adult's greatest and most cherished childhood memories were vacations with his two parents, conversations with his dad, and the relationship that Jay had been fortunate to have with his very present father.

Jake's story was not too similar. His parents had money but it was old. It had been his grandfather who had been a greatly successful and respectable entrepreneur, and thanks to his savings, was able to give his second youngest son the opportunity to create his own path with no troubles.

When his son married and had Jake, nothing changed. His parents were destined to be in love, their marriage was strong and revolved around raising their two sons in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Southern Australia.

Jake's wealth was kept private, as it was nobody's business how much he earned, it didn't have anything to do with him. He was more well-known for his manners, and his soft but brave personality. Both of the boys were taught to never ever be materialistic. The two knew nothing but money, went to some of the best schools, and yet, nobody had known of their money until they were asked what their parents did.

Jake liked to dress down. Since childhood, he was like any younger brother and wore his brother's hand-me-downs. His clothes were not new, he enjoyed shopping at thrift stores and liked the vintage aesthetic. Jay loved to shop, he was into fashion by choice but spent at the limit that his father gave him.

The point is, Jay and Jake, at the end of the day, were still kids. They weren't any different from the other members of their idol group and didn't act like it either. Although, Jay fostered an air of seriousness but level-headed intelligence that came with his experience of advanced schooling.

Wise beyond his years, the kids always found Jay to be the first one they went to with advice on spending. Jay knew how to manage money from an early age, he was extremely careful with money and didn't like to spend aimlessly. There were times during debut, when Jay was still a late teen, that Heeseung had to say no to Jay whenever his eyes caught something slightly unreasonable at shopping centers.

It wasn't that Jay was bragging, he just didn't know any better. He had the money, why not spend it?

With the others, it wasn't that easy. And you're about to see why.


It been a cold morning in Korea, and Niki took it hard. He sprinted to his dorm, fast as a cheetah but felt ridiculous as he wasn't a good runner and was self-conscious as strangers stared down the child with judgmental eyes.

Niki's feet got colder as his boots stomped on wet leaves, lacing his body with a cold unlike any other. It was days like these that he missed the unpredictable weather of his native country, he missed the days where he could go to school without a coat on in the middle of October and not have anyone bug him about it except for his parents.

He was supposed to be bundled up but Niki was hot-blooded and didn't want the hassle of lugging around a sweater for the entire day, so Sunghoon's advice from went one ear and out the other. The temperature of his body was slow as was the numbing pain of the bitter fall cold that ran down Niki's exposed arms.

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