Cabin Fever {Niki}

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// Third POV //

What does one do when they hear themselves be discussed privately in the other room?

Though there was a debate going on in Niki's mind about whether his hyungs intended for him to hear it.

It being the talk about what to do about Niki.

It's as dramatic as it sounds. This was not good. The future did not look bright for himself. At least not the next few weeks.

Limp stars lit up the teen's sharp jaw that was currently tightened in fear. There was nothing wrong about what he did. Or, in the very least, what he was attempting to do.

It was supposed to be a harmless joke, and it would have been if Sunoo hadn't made such a big deal about to Jake.

And now, he was in trouble!

For what?!

It was a joke, a prank. A silly, fun prank!

Sometimes Niki wondered if he should've just stayed in Japan. It may seem like an overreaction to think that why just because he was in trouble. But think about it, he moved from his hometown to South Korea in less than six months. To a child, time moved a lot slower, so technically to Niki, it has been over a decade.

It hard to admit that he wasn't prepared for his work culture. How his other members think, act, and speak was just different than how Niki was brought up.

He was still in the process of being brought up in a way, yet he felt so entitled and grown sometimes being away from his parents and family.

Niki grew overly attached to his hyungs, the word 'overly' makes it sound bad, but it really wasn't. His hyungs didn't mind being there for the maknae and being his life support. It must be so rough for him, but Niki never acted too affected by this transition.

Rather, he seemed to be comfortable with where he was now. Being brought up by his four older brothers along with his best friends: Jungwon and Sunoo.

So, how did he get here?

How did the maknae of ENHYPEN end up here, stuck inside Heeeseung's bedroom with his arms raised above his head and kneeled down on the ground with Sunghoon's daring eyes growling at his limp skull?

Well, to fully begin to grasp the unbiased severeness of what the teenage maknae was about to deal with, we must go back to Friday.


The birds squeaked annoyingly outside the waiting room window. It was so loud that Jungwon had to physically hold himself back from going to the windowsill and force the birds into being quiet, if you know what he meant.

Jungwon always got like this on performance days and he tried to help it but soon came to the conclusion that he was controlled deeply by himself from the core of his mind.

It didn't help that he was actually feeling quite sick today. The hyungs urged him to stay home and call his mom but Jungwon argued that he was the leader and had to be hear.

This rubbed Heeseung the wrong way. He didn't want one of the youngest members, who was still underage, to be stressed with the leader position already. He hated that Jungwon had to be worried about such things at such a young age. The kid did a great job of leading the team but was still only the second youngest and was in high school.

All of the guys decided unanimously that Jungwon was going to have a break today from leading. This terribly upset Jungwon but Heeseung was firm about his wishes.

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