Black Sheep, White Feet {Sunoo}

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// Third POV //

Jay normally doesn't let any of the guys borrow his clothes. This may seem quite petty but this is really the only thing that really bugs the second oldest. He allows his dongsaengs, Niki and Jungwon in particular, borrow his money, games, etc. Really, he isn't a materialistic person. He enjoyed sharing.

Today was a dedicated study day in the Enhypen dorm. Finals are a very stressful time in general, but especially when you're an idol.

The guys, for the most part, take their studies seriously. They are good students: they don't cheat, don't purposefully skip assignments, and are always respectful and kind to their teachers and classmates.

Heeseung was now a high school graduate. He didn't have to worry about finals anymore, but he remembers just how stressful and jam-packed these seven days are to the younger guys.

Niki and Jungwon were in the first years of high school, Sunoo and Sunghoon were toward the very end, and Jay and Jake graduate next summer.

Finals started on the following Monday, giving the high schoolers only four short days to cram in six months worth of previous lessons. This doesn't count the classes they still had to attend in the meantime.

Niki and Jungwon went to school for four hours before coming home. They did an hour of practice, a few periods of vocal training, then they arrived back to the dorm. Sunghoon and Sunoo don't go to school on Wednesdays, so they stayed home.

By the time the two maknaes got home, it was still morning. Physically exhausted, Jungwon almost fell asleep in the shower.

Good thing the older hyungs already prepared themselves for the anxiety-haunted Jungwon. He was always careful watched by the big brothers but especially when it came to events that spiraled the already anxious baby more than it usually does.

Heeseung took Jay and Jake to the side, the two kids have been studying with the younger members, having little study sessions all day. Jay being the oldest out of the students, he promised to take over Heeseung's duties when the oldest wasn't there. He never had to be told to do this, Jay and Heeseung just naturally altercated priorities.

The six boys were limited to space. HYBE's dormitories were large, yet it never seemed to be enough. They had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a small game room, and a kitchen. The same landscape as a normal apartment, so they always had to find creative ways to find new space.

Niki, always using his youthful wisdom, rounded up the living room table and connected it with the game room's couches. This way, when the guys got tired at around the four hour mark, they could switch the chairs for something more comfortable.

The guys' methods all differed. Jake can't work with noise, but the maknaes all loved to watch a movie or a show in the background while studying. Sunghoon and Jay only like music, since they get distracted easily.

In the end, Niki and Jungwon shared Apple earbuds and watched a movie. There was some ambience music in the background and Jake had on noise-canceling headphones.

Studying was going great. Heeseung occasionally popped in the doorway to ask how things were going. Everyone seemed to be relaxed and working together to really get the material down.

Sunoo seemed to be the black sheep of the bunch. While the others were quiet, focused, and determined, he was being overly loud and playful. He couldn't sit still for very long before he would end up on his phone or playing with his pencils.

Jay looked up a few times from his papers to see the kid goofing off. He knew that it was always the hardest for the younger kids to stay put for long periods of time while getting distracted. Studying was a boring activity, but the members have always seemed to find their groove when learning anything. It was something they gained while training and working as idols.

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