Playground Rules {Jungwon} pt.1/2

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Hey, buddies! I'm sorry that this is so short! I'll try to get part two up by tonight, if not, I'll try to get it up by the weekend. Thank you for understanding! and thank you for reading!

Love ya bunches 🌸

LIGHT TW FOR: Bullying

// Third POV //

Jungwon twitched; his feet gravitated to the floor as if it was stunned into place. He connected the tips of his clammy, pasty fingers to the doorknob, waiting on cue as the class behind him waited for the bell.

He mistakenly communicated his eyes with the neighbor kid, taking a stern glance before casting his sensitive yet strong, beautiful pools of eyes back toward the door again.

But the kid obviously met Jungwon's eyes, meaning he had to say something:


Jungwon's school friend waved his hand at Jungwon, signaling him not to respond.

The kid called his name again, the annoying nickname that was given by him just to make a mockery of Jungwon.

"What?" Jungwon pondered, his back was up against the doorframe, staring out into the drowning abyss of a hallway, praying that five minutes go by faster.

Hyunki, a creature of torment, approached the idol in question. His no-good lab rats stayed behind, ready as always to bounce off of his cruelty but letting the taller kid be the alpha.

Jungwon's cheeks flushed, glaring up at the six-foot tall bully in anticipation.

Hyunki's face lit up in amusement. "Why!" His large hand cupped Jungwon's chin. "Look what strong cheekbones the doctor gave you! How much money did your company spend on that?!"

"Fuck off!" Jungwon pushed the demented senior off of him. "Stop!"

"Yah, why don't you go play in the back, man?" One of their classmates bravely spat at Hyunki.

Jungwon and Hyunki went to Kindergarten together. They were never friendly by any means but those were the days where Hyunki was kinder, at least more of a human being with feelings. Then his dad moved the family to Busan, where Hyunki ruled his primary school with his family's rich heritage, using this as a way to feel dominant and superior.

He stayed there for a few years before his dad became bankrupt and moved back to Seoul to live with his grandparents. He re-acquainted himself with Jungwon, but the idol didn't get mixed up with him.

Hyunki was known for his rebel image at the time; He wasn't even at their school for two months before he met the mean kids and became the ring leader, getting involved with drugs and neglecting his studies. He was the type that everyone avoided because they were either scared of him or hated his guts.

He laid off of Jungwon until he became an idol. Jungwon was out of school for a semester because of I-LAND and when he came back, he lost a few friends and became the target of bullying.

Jungwon's school had multiple pupils who were trainees. Jungwon knew a few of them from BigHit. One of his classmates, Kangdae, became the highlight of school gossip when it was discovered a few weeks ago that he got work done on his face.

Plastic surgery was almost the norm in South Korea, but that didn't mean that it wasn't met with horrific ridicule for those who get it, especially teenagers.

Idol companies didn't force their clients to get plastic surgery, but it was highly suggested.

When all of the guys became a group, some of their company staff would very bluntly state that some of them should get work done. This wasn't unusual, Jungwon's known a lot of trainees and idols who were pressured into getting surgery for the fear that they would get kicked out of the company.

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