Unsportsmanlike Conduct {Jake}

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PS: I'm American so I'm calling football soccer, sorry not sorry. 😂

// Third POV //

Spring welcomed Enhypen with open arms. The weather has always been perfect in the Asian hemisphere at this time of year and today was nothing shorter than special.

The guys were shooting a reality series for M2 this week, their company rented a tiny but massive house on the hills. Overlooking waves and waves of green grass and fields as broad as it was beautiful.

Such beauty was so rare yet so common in nature. Half of the young guys were city boys but Jake was an outdoors man.

As a child, Jake played many sports, soccer being the most common. He was considered above average in every sport he played. Football, rugby, soccer, basketball: you name it and Jake has won trophies for it.

Sunghoon being a sportsman himself, really bonded with Jake and Jay when it came to being active. Jay loved to take care of his body, playing ball with the boys (even though he kind of sucked) with no reason other than to keep his health in check.

Niki has argued and argued with his Korean hyungs over whether not dancing counted as a sport. These silly disagreements were harmless but Heeseung warned them several times about getting too excited while in an argument.

Nevertheless, Jake was over the moon about this week. The sky awakened with blue crystals, shining over the layers of soft, free grass; its air was absolutely pure, the trees all brought out so much clear oxygen that it was sometimes overwhelming to breathe in.

Jay and Jake woke up early on Tuesday morning, right at 3:30am. Too early but they were early raisers and nature enthusiasts, they would hug their mugs of warm coffee in their palms to mask the chilly early morning air before the sun would come up and it would turn warm and bright.

Jungwon would join his hyungs outside, seating himself on Jay's lap and leaning against his clothed chest, drowsy while subtly pretending he could speak their English tongue.

Once the camera crew would arrive at noon, Jake sprinted toward the nice men and asked if they would like to film them play soccer. Heeseung wondered why Jake would ask them since their job was to film whatever the idols did and didn't care, but Jake always got overzealous when it came to his favorite sport. And Jake being Jake, wanted others' permission before doing something in hopes to avoid any confrontation or discouragements over his ideas.

His members loved seeing Jake so happy, but confided in Heeseung about their concerns.

See, Jake was raised in this sport. Growing up in Australia, he had a calling to be an incredible player. His teachers would praise him so much on his skills, never once seeing a pupil as determined or as disciplined as Jake. His older brother was state championship in their hometown, and being the younger brother, wanted to exceed his brother's reputation as the best.

This confidence and drive caused Jake to be a little too wrapped up in the game. In other words, he was headstrong and highly competitive.

It would insulting to call Jake's actions malicious but there wasn't a better word to describe it. He was a rough player.

Back in the I-LAND days, the trainees would have after-show tournaments, you know, to get away from all the stress and mental strain. These games were meant to be just that: games. The young boys were tormented by the show, some suffering from homesickness and others sometimes getting physically ill from the anxiety and the cruel environment.

Jake was always so sweet-natured. He was a protector, a friend, somebody that wouldn't hurt a fly. It wasn't uncommon for the younger contestants to go up to Jake for guidance or comfort. Jungwon suffered from night terrors and the older reality show members kicked him out of their room for keeping them awake, thus he wouldn't have anywhere else to go, and would sleep on the dirty bathroom floor.

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