[3] ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ

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As they ran towards the school, the principal already walked up to them with a frown on her face. She clearly wasn't that happy about them just running away from school when the sun was already down. But as soon as she saw Alexis' knee bleeding, her frown dropped and suddenly changed to a concerned expression.

"What happened? And why are you bleeding?" she said and touched Alexis' cut. "We're sorry that we went to the forest but-" Alexis said but got cut off by the principal. "You went to the what?! Didn't I tell you like a hundred times that you're not allowed to go to the forest when it's dark?!" she said.

"Yes... but we'll also have to tell you something about that." Alexis said and looked down at the ground. "Just come with me, I'll treat your cut." the principal said and they went into the school over to the principal's office.

"So, what exactly happened that caused this?" the principal asked as she was treating Alexis' leg. "Well, there was this sort of creature-" Lando said but got off by the principal. "A creature? What kind? What did it look like?" she asked. "It was really tall, it had a brown color, horns on it's head and green eyes and feet." Lando said.

"Did it look like this?" the principal held a photo in front of her.

"Did it look like this?" the principal held a photo in front of her

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"Yeah, it did, but how did you know?" Alexis and Lando asked. "Well, those creatures have been causing a lot of trouble not so long ago. Apparently they're back now, which isn't that good." the principal sighed. "Wait, so there were more of them?" Lando asked. "Yeah, I thought we'd kill them all, but I guess not." she said.

"How come that it's back then?" Alexis asked. "It only comes because of something that happened. It's not allowed in this school but apparently some people didn't listen." she said. "What exactly is that then?" Lando asked. "Combining abilities." she said.

Alexis and Lando looked at each other in fear because they just broke a school rule AND they just brought a dangerous creature back which wasn't there in a long time.

"Uh anyway, there was this kind of barrier around the forest which caused the creature stay in there or something." Alexis said. "A barrier? Wait, that's actually pretty good news!" she said. "What does it mean?" Lando asked. "It means that it can't attack us when we're here. It's there for situations like this." she said.

"How's it going with my leg?" Alexis asked as she looked at her leg which was covered with bandages. "The cut's still there but it'll heal soon, hopefully." she smiled comforted. "Okay, thanks miss." Lando and Alexis said as Alexis got off of the table. "I wouldn't try to walk yet if I were you, it could still hurt." she said and nodded at Alexis' leg.

"Oww! You're right, maybe I shouldn't." Alexis said and looked down at her leg. "I'll hold you, thanks for your help miss." Lando said and picked up Alexis. "No problem, but stay away from the forest. I'll also announce it to the rest, stay safe!" she said and let them out of her office.

"Oh god, what are we gonna do now?" Alexis said in fear. "I don't know, just don't let anyone know it was us." Lando said. "Okay..." Alexis said.

As Lando was walking with Alexis in his arms towards the elevator, he suddenly got a notification on his phone which announced the news of the principal. She said that everyone should stay as far as possible from the forest since there's a dangerous creature walking around and that they're gonna get rid of it ASAP.

"Miss Dowling really is fast is those kind of things." Lando chuckled. "Yeah, but it's good that she announces it. I don't think anyone would like to be bitten by some kind of huge brown creature with horns and green claws." Alexis laughed. "No, I don't think so either. Wanna go to your dormitory or mine?" Lando asked.

"Yours is fine, I don't wanna be alone in mine anyway." Alexis laughed. "You know I can just leave you here with your cut, right?" Lando joked. "You wouldn't." Alexis laughed. "Lets just go." Lando laughed and pressed on the button of the floor number they had to go to.

As they were on the 5th floor, Lando walked up to his dormitory and held a card against the door to open it. Rydell High was all about technology, kind of what Alexis' ability is. The door opened and they walked in the room.

"So, I'll teach you about magic." Lando said as he placed Alexis on his bed which was the one on the left next to a dresser which was standing in front of a window and was also in the middle of the room with Lando's roommate's bed on the right of it.

" Lando said as he placed Alexis on his bed which was the one on the left next to a dresser which was standing in front of a window and was also in the middle of the room with Lando's roommate's bed on the right of it

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"Your room looks so cool!" Alexis looked around. "Thanks, my roommate's not here right now since he's visiting his family or something." Lando said. "My roommate too! She said that she had to go to Atlantis." Alexis smiled. "That's a coincidence. I have a question, what do you actually want me to teach you?" Lando asked.

Alexis lifted her hand a bit and blue electric beams started to crackle in her hand. Lando looked at her in a confused way, but immediately knew what she meant when she said, "I don't care anymore, let's try to make the purple flame again."

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