Chapter 9

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When my eyes fluttered open, all I heard was dead silence. There was not a sound except for the occasional car driving by outside. But in the dorm, there was nothing. I stiffly turned around, and my eyes fell upon the alarm clock just on the bedside table next to me.


It was later than I expected it to be. I felt my heart starting to pick up speed when the thought of escaping came to mind. Surely they were all in bed by now. They had to be.

The red light on the clock illuminated my face almost eerily. They say three A.M. is the haunted hour, but I was never one to believe in such folklore. I tossed the bed sheets to the side, and my feet slid down and touched the cool floor below. I looked down and found myself in new clothes, which was to my advantage. I looked around the room for a second or two, pondering on what I would take with me, and how. I padded over to the small dresser and silently rummaged through it. I found more clothes and some money. Weird. I thought. Why would they put money in my dresser? Just one more thing that made them difficult to figure out. My eyes scanned the room briefly again, and they landed upon a small satchel bag in the space between the wall and the dresser. It was tucked almost out of sight, but the strap of it was what caught my attention. The one side of my lip tilted upward into what I assumed was a smirk. Although, I could not understand why it did so. Grabbing it, I brushed the dust off messily and began stuffing the belongings into the smaller-sized bag. I tucked the clothes away, and slid the wad of Korean money into the outer pocket, making sure I securely fastened the button to the bag. I rummaged one more time through the drawings, making sure that I did not miss anything that could be of use to me. Am I being selfish? The thought popped into my head for a split second. My whole body froze as I stood there, palms pressed to the top of the dresser, back bent over slightly in deep thought. I couldn't answer it. Whichever way I looked, my mind became foggy and refused to give myself a satisfying solution. I was blinded, and I would need someone else to help me see again......

After a few minutes of uncertainty, I straightened myself, stood before the door, lifted my chin, and took one last deep breath. I quickly slipped on the shoes that sat by the wall. My eyes flicked to the clock.


It was now or never. If I stepped out of this door, there would be no turning back. It was in this moment that I had to make a choice. So, without further thought, I grabbed hold of the doorknob and slowly slipped out of the confined room.

* * *

When the door to my room was closed, I was swallowed by overwhelming darkness. The hallway was small, and I could see a few other doors in the hall that must have lead to other bedrooms or dorms. But when I turned to the left, I realized that I had been staying in a whole apartment. It surprised me at how nice the quality of it was, but I didn't want to waste anymore time gaping at it. My grip on the satchel tightened, and I slung it farther over my shoulder until it practically touched my back. Creeping quietly down the stairs is a lot harder than one would think. Maybe it is just because I'm clumsy. There was barely any lighting except for a few soft lights here and there. They were enough to me to be able to see everything without falling or bumping into anything. My hearing was sharper since my eyesight was limited. The silence scared me almost, but I tried my best to ignore it. All I had to do now was find the front door and get the heck out of here. Your almost there. My pathetic words of encouragement did nothing to aid my rising anxiety. So I sucked it up and pushed through.

Making it to the bottom of the stairs, I looked around once more, trying to catch a glimpse of where the exit might be. Wandering around this places was like walking through a mini town. Or at least, that's what it felt like to me since I had lived in a tiny dorm for a fair amount of my life. My mind somehow became focused on the thought of mom. I kept wondering on what she might be doing, or what her thoughts were. Curse that mother-daughter connection. I told myself, gritting my teeth together so hard I thought they just might break.

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