Chapter 1

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Chapter 1~ Lily POV

Wow. 7th year already! It seems to have gone so fast! This year, is different, this year I am head girl. I never actually thought I would do it, I mean, I'm not the brightest girl in my year. I'm just worried about who is going to be head boy. Just know one thing, it will NOT be James Potter.

As I approach the train, I see someone walking towards me. God no.
"Hello, Evans." James. Potter.
"Nice summer?"
"Why exactly do you care?" I realise now that sounded kind of harsh.
"Well aren't you in a pleasant mood today? I'll see you on the train." He walked off and smirked at me, I shot him a glare and continued walking.

Getting on to the train, someone rushed up to me.
"LILYYYY" Clarissa said, dragging out the 'y'. I giggled and pulled her into a hug.
"I didn't see you all summer! My gosh what happened? Sister troubles?" She knows me so well. I nod and she frowns "Well you had better be quick then!"
"Head boy and girl meeting duh!"
"Wait that's now?!"
"Yes! Go! Quick!"
"Okay, okay." I rush off.

I'm going to meet the head boy. I wonder who it is? I hope we get along, it would be super awkward if we don't. There's me, overthinking. Once again. I'm sure everything will be just fine! I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

"Sup' Evans?"

Oh god. I stand corrected, a lot of things could go wrong.

"Please don't tell me-"
"I can't do that, Evans."

Out of all the people in Hogwarts! It had to be him. James. Potter.
I stare at him. Deep breaths... You could get along with him. And his black ruffled hair, gorgeous brown eyes, cute cheesy grin... WAIT! WHAT? No. I tell myself. No. No. No. No. No. No. I do NOT like James Potter. Maybe? NO!

"You lost, Evans?" He grins.
I come back down to earth "What? No! You have to take this seriously, James."
"Did you just call me... James?"
I look down at my lap "Maybe..."
"I could get used to this..."
"Listen. If we are going to be head boy and girl, we need to at least be able to have a civilised conversation without it turning into you asking me out. Is that clear?"
"Crystal." He says.
"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be."
"Like where?"
"None of your buisness!" I laugh. I turn and smile at him and walk down the train to find Clarissa.

James POV

She called me James. She smiled at me. I didn't even do anything. I run down the train isle.
"What? What happened?" I rush into the compartment and sit down.
"Evans? You know her? Right?"
"Mate, are you okay? Me and Evans have been in the same year for 6 years."
"Well," I continue, out of breath. "She called me James. And, she smiled at me!"
"GET OUT!" He said, on the edge of his seat, grinning from ear to ear.
"It's true!" I smile. I can't stop.

My first chapter! I hope you like it! It kind of took me a long time to write so... Yeah! I have a different fan fiction at @ohmyjxly on Instagram! If your interested. Just to clarify, it's different from this one.

So I'm new to wattpad and I just thought I'd try out writing a chapter. I'm sure no one will read it but oh well!

ohmyhp 😋

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