Chapter 14

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Lily POV

It's like this whole week has just been a dream. Except, all at once, it turned into a nightmare.

Lily and James,

Please come up to my office immediately. Show this note to your professor, and ask to be excused.

Thank you, Professor Dumbledore.

"James." I whispered, passing him the note. I saw his eyes scan the note.

"Okay, let's go." He grabbed my hand and we walked to the front of the class "Professor? May we be excused?" He passed him the note.

"Yes you may be excused." We walked out of class.

"I wonder what this is all about?" James asks me as we speed walk to Dumbledore's office.

"I don't know. I hope we're not in trouble."

"Me neither." We reach Dumbledore's office.

"Ah! I'm glad you two have come! We have two new students attending hogwarts in your year. Being head boy and girl, I expect you will help them- as well as the prefects. This is Ophelia, she has already be sorted into gryffindor. Vanessa has been sorted into slytherin. Now, James, I would like you to give Vanessa her timetable and escort her to the slytherin common room. Lily, if you would do the same for Ophelia."

"Yes, Professor." Me and James both said at the same time. I let go of James' hand and smiled at Ophelia. We walked off.

"So have you had a transfer?" I ask her, making conversation.

"Yes from Beauxbatons Academy, but I was originally from England." She said.

"That would explain why your insanely pretty!" I said. And I wasn't lying. She had long, black wavy hair and little dimples.

"Thank you! Your really pretty too! And I'm guessing the head boy is your boyfriend? Since you were holding hands and everything."

"Yeah he his. He's great." I smile. "Here we are. You can have my spot in my room, we have head rooms but we never used them. The girls are so nice in there, you'll love it."

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. We can be friends?" She asked, she is so nice!

"Of course! I'll show you to your classes and things. The castle is big so you might get lost." I scan her timetable over with my eyes "Oh great! Your timetable is the same as mine! I can definitely help you!"

"Oh thank you! You're so nice! All of the girls at Beauxbatons were never as nice."

"It's okay, I'll see you later then? I have to go and find James, sorry. Feel free to explore the common room, the girls dorms are on the left side and your room is the third one on the right."

"Thank you. I'll see you around?" She asks.

"Definitely." I laugh, going to find James.

James POV

"So are you from Beauxbatons?" I ask her, she seems a little tense.

"I am, thank you for asking. My dad got a job here in England." She says.

"Oh great! What job?" I wonder if he works at the ministry.

"None of your business noesy!" She laughs, making me even more suspicious.

"So here is the common room! And your timetable." I hand her the timetable and she smirks at me.

"You know, your really cute. We should go out some time."

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